The new scarf pattern, it turns out, knits up REALLY FAST. I sit down and read a chapter of a book or watch Iron Chef (I prefer Iron Chef Japan, but Food Network isn't running it any more), while knitting, and the next thing I know I've got another six inches knit up. And the COLOR! It's a sea green, but it's got odd aqua blue overtones in certain light. I love looking at it. (It's color #8512.)

I'll post a formal pattern, such as it is, when I've got this thing done and a decent photo taken.
While I had the camera out, the baby was being cute, so I snapped a photo for the baby fans among us:

How do you stay in a bad mood with that looking at you?
And this brings us to cookies. I've had several questions about it.
When it comes to cookies that travel well, anything small, dense, and round works best. Without icing. Those types of cookies can take a beating. It's possible to transport cut-outs and other, more fragile things, but in that case I try to take them frozen (straight out of the freezer, into a cooler in the truck) and add the icings or toppings when I get to where I'm going.
In Hawaii, I would freeze everything as I baked it, and then in one rushed fit of speed, pack it all into pre-addressed boxes and take it off to the Post Office (which was a couple miles away). The cardboard of the boxes was fairly insulating, and usually when I posted them someone would ask why the box was cold. They would thaw within the first day or so, of course, but it gave them a slight edge on freshness. I suggest mailing in the US during the first week or two of December; that's when the post-office is geared up and ready for more packages than usual, but they aren't swamped yet. It would usually take less than a week for boxes to get to the mainland, if I mailed then.
Last night I made toffee-chip shortbread cookies, and had a request for the recipe, so here you guys go. (I'm so freakin' domestic.) These are really fast, really easy, travel well, and are rather cheap to make (compared to, say, fruitcake).
-1 stick (1/2 cup) butter REAL BUTTER. It's shortbread, for crying out loud. Do NOT cheap out and get the margarine or I will hunt you down and make you knit Lion Brand.
-1/4 cup confectioner's/powdered sugar
-1 cup all-purpose flour
-handful toffee chips (if you can't get these, chop up some Heath bars or other toffee candies)
Mix it all together into a paste. That might take a little time. Scrape it all out onto a sheet of aluminum foil and roll it into a log shape. Roll the log in the foil and toss it in the fridge for an hour or so. When it's cold, take it out, unwrap it, and slice it with a thin knife. Lay the slices on a cookie sheet and bake at 325 degrees F for about 15 minutes, or until the edges just barely turn brown. Yum.
Clearly you're thinking a lot about domesticit at the moment. Probably it's kinda hard not to when it's the silly season and everyone seems to be doing it.
Frankly, I'd rather be home with a baby, my knitting and lots of good baking! Partying is only fun for so long.
How did this happen? Who knew that by 34 I couldn't give a shit about standing around talking crap with people I don't much like sober, even less so drunk???
ps thanks for the recipe.
pps Impossible to stay in a bad mood when The Baby is so damn cute, and she's just a photo to me!
It's The Baby!
I'm sorry Julie, were you knitting something? Baking something?
Look, it's The Baby!
Yeah...I saw myself in the party-girl mode for all eternity. I evaded the whole marriage and kids thing; that part worked out. And yet I have become a truly domestic woman. Well...except for the cleaning. And the cooking. And the laundry. In fact, I think I might just be a dude...I seem to sit on the couch quite a bit.
Love the baby,
Love the kitty,
Love Iron Chef Japan,
not so sure about Iron Chef America.
Yay Iron Chef! I agree - the original Japanese series is better than the USA version. But it's all so deliciously insane in that way only the Japanese can muster.
Must try that biscuit recipe, looks great :)
Wow... the thought of real butter in a cookie almost makes me swoon...
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