I also snapped a photo of one of The Baby's toys (box of Legos) in relation to my little space, so you can get an idea of both of us kicked back in my office with our respective toys.

I keep meaning to put up a cork board over the table, so I can hang up swatches of things in progress and photos and state fair ribbons and other knitting-related stuff.
Your turn. Where do you knit?
And while I'm posting photos, does anyone else's cat mash their face like this while they're sleeping?

hmm...the house is relatively clean...I just might post mine... but as for the cat...my cat, bless his wacko soul, doesn't mash his face in when he sleeps, but he does currently have a crush on my daughter's fleece socks and he makes out with them whenever she puts them on.
Hey...do you remember the post when you were ranting about the misogonistic xenophobe whose ethnocentric ideas on the history of knitting were accepted as law? I'm turning around an idea for Top Sheep, and I was sort of hoping to use you as a resource:-) (btw--your blog frequently makes me snarf soda out my nose--you sooooooo out score me in that department...)
If Blogger is feeling photo-friendly, I'll get a picture up of my knitting spot this week. This might force me to tidy up a bit!
Persephone likes to mash her face up against a pillow when she sleeps. I'm always convinced that she is going to suffocate and that I'll be explaining myself to the ASPCA!
Feel free to use me as any kind of resource... and e-mail me if you like, the addy's at the bottom of the blog window/page thingie.
If you can get a copy of "Traditional Knitting Patterns" by James Norbury out of the library, flip through it. I think that dude was doing drugs when he made up the BS in that book.
what a cool idea! I like it. Now we need a photo of you actually sitting there doing it....
I'll do mine this week some time. And I won't tidy up first because I want it to be real!
i may eventually post pix of my knitting spots (my big ol' victorian bed, with bright "daylight" fluorescent task light, multiple pillows, tv and music nearby and a place for my diet coke, and a corner of the same room that has a cozy chair by the window, another task light, a ring binder i store needles in and three bins of stash -- natural/semi-natural, novelty and acrylic).
in the meantime, i want to share a way of dealing w/the legos as they multiply geometrically over time (not a BAD thing, mind you!). this worked pretty well with my kids, now in their 20s, and is being taught to my grand-in-residence, who's 5. (legos last FOREVER).
choose a large piece of fabric -- an old tablecloth, a flat crib sheet or similar. that the baby can dump the legos onto. teach her (over time) to keep the legos ON the cloth -- that any legos left OFF the cloth will be taken away (especially if stepped on by a grownup). naturally, you smuggle them back in when she's not looking. they're too expensive to trash, and almost never turn up in garage sales or resale shops.
when she's done playing with them, gather the corners of the fabric and dump the legos back in the bin.
this is the simple, cheap variation of a gizmo lego used to sell -- a 60" denim circle with grommets and a drawstring.
It seems I may have been the first to actually post a picture. You can see where I knit AND what I see from where I knit!
I don't yet have a specific knitting place. I have two study bunks taking up the space where I'd like to put two comfy chairs, a coffee table and my spinning wheel...
Oh, and the cat? has been known to sleep on a tall pile of towels with hsi face mashed just like that
I am at work now so can't post any photos of where I knit, but it's really getting me thinking. We have a spare room we have done nothing with since moving in. And I have an old 1940s cupboard I've been meaning to restore. I'm thinking I could turn that room into my place to knit - with all the yarn in the cupboard, a comfy chair, a little table and a pin board like you mentioned Julie.
well, it's given me something nice to think about on my first day back at work anyway.
I don't knit anywhere exciting. Usually sitting at the kitchen table. I don't why I don't go somewhere that would be more comfortable. The light is good in the kitchen and it's in front of the TV. My cat, Earl Gray, smashes his face sometimes, too. Sometimes, I wonder how he can breathe! You can see pictures of Earl on my blog.
OK, I need to get a blog.
I can't join in without one!
I'm not quite sure what the response would be if I took a picture of a bus/train seat. I could photograph the two places where I knit at home, but most of my knitting is done on the commute.
OK, once I've found the camera etc... and got home from work (this is just a way of saying that I have a blog now: www.randomactsofyarn.blogspot.com but it's sooo squeaky new that blogger doesn't recognise it!)
Yay, another one lured to the dark side!
You asked for it:
:) Are you sorry you asked?
Hi, this is where I knit
Cheers, Rachael!
I have been meaning to post my pics for a few days but have been too busy with work. I finally got a chance tonight. Here's where I knit:
Oh, and by the way, I LOVE your princess-line gansey!
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