Here at House O' Samurai we're having a spot of trouble involving routers, wireless networks, babies pulling out USB plugs, and the like. If I happen to go incommunicado for a day or two and don't answer e-mail or comments or whatever, don't worry. Likely our biggest problem is the cat accidentally knocking out a power cord. (AGAIN.) Just so ya know. There was a moment tonight when it looked like we weren't going to have internet connection for a week, and the husbeast and I both broke out in a cold sweat.
The Baby, of course, said, "Good, you can play with me all day!"
Julie, how you could knit, or blog or anything with a little face like that begging you to play is beyond me. :-)
right, well my cats have also opened freezers and unplugged fridges (geeze, we almost called the landlord thinking that the fridge was broken...). Right now they attack the Christmas tree and I find new pieces every morning on the floor.
Wait until she can talk. She'll have you gobsmacked sideways. She's so damned cute now, I can just see it coming.
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