I found it on a Norwegian (I think) web site, here. Check out the patch on the cuff of the sweater. That baby is Dale of Norway. I could probably look up the pattern if I were so inclined, but I'm not.
Just a little something to inspire our Norwegian knitting.
Excuse me while I wipe the drool off the keyboard.
Hottie in a handknit! Well, maybe not handknit. Still, a hottie!
Yes, it looks like Dale, but is actually a classic Devold "kofte" sweater (there's a Norwegian flagg at the bottom of the logo). Check out their site www.devold.com - lots of great Norwegian sweaters.
Dale and Devold need to come up with different-looking labels. We can't identify them easily from three thousand miles away, darn it.
Dale also has a pattern almost identical to what he's wearing. It's a fairly classic Norwegian style, with the pattern bands and the red at the shoulders. I imagine other people make them too.
Love it! A man in a very, very nice knitted jacket. I'm melting. :-)
You never said that I could knit an actual Norwegian!!!!! I need to rethink my fear of the colorwork...
Okay, if Vigo appears inside the Norgi knit, we're going to have some intense negotiations, or knitting lessons. I'm not sure which.
I love me a man not afraid to wear a fancy sweater. Yummy.
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