First, this is my mother-in-law in her 2005 Christmas sweater. I worked on it while I was in the hospital having The Baby, and unlike the last sweater I discussed, this one has only good memories attatched to it. It's an E. Lavold pattern from one of her first couple books.

This is one of those "I really should knit a copy for me" kinds of sweaters.
And a baby photo, just because. She was reaching for the dangly hang-on strap of the camera.

And last, so you may all envy me, a shot of the husbeast fixing his work coveralls this morning.

Yup, that's right, HE DOES HIS OWN SEWING. He claims that since it's a machine, he's able to do it. I don't care how he does it, I'm just glad he does.
That's cool. My partner can only make holes, not mend them!
I love your MIL's sweater. I'm liking that the longer sweaters are making a comeback. Especially since I've discovered that the holiday ham hips are more difficult to whittle down than I'd thought!
I'm betting that the husbeast is far better with the sewing machine than I! Does he take in mending? It could be a nice second or third income...
That is so COOL! (The Husbeast, that is...) The sweater is amazing. I have got to work on being patient with my finishing, because it takes some real care to get a finished product to look like that!
When I snapped the photo, the husbeast muttered, "This will wind up on the blog, won't it?" and I said yes, but everyone would think it was cool. He seemed to think that was all right, in that case.
As for finishing, that sweater was a nightmare. There are errors in the pattern not listed on the web sites, the sleeves don't fit right into the holes for them... bah. But it looks good.
OKAY, I want to make the MIL sweater. The pink one. GIVE ME DETAILS!!! (and they better not include size 1 needles or I will have to harm you).
And I always new husbeast was cool.
knew, that was supposed to read KNEW.
I need coffee.
It is "Ljod" from "Designer's Choice Book One" the viking knits collection, by Elsebeth Lavold.
I knit it with, I think, size five needles and Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece, color rose pink, I think. Used, uh, about seven balls?
E-mail me for details, 'cause that pattern was FUCKED. UP.
Is your husband looking to teach other hubbies on how to use the sewing machine? I have other things I'd like to sew other than husband and kids clothes, but no one wants to learn.
mine won't even use a needle and thread to sew on a button. he walked around with a hole in his work pants pocked for months (whinging about it, mind you). Sheesh.
And just how long were you in hospital for Julie????
Three days. I think I got two inches on the back done. I knit most of it in the first month or two we had The Baby and don't really remember it, due to lack of sleep. But the memories I do have of that sweater are mostly good. Except for the seaming, which doesn't count.
Again, I'm impressed by your ability to knit with a baby, particularly a newborn!
I'm terrified I won't pick up needles at all when I have one although I'm fairly organised with my time and am sure it will be a sanity saver.
Hell, I'm continuing to knit despite soaring temperatures at the moment. Where there's a will there's a way, right?
Exactly. I spend a lot of time knitting in the living room while the baby plays on the floor or watches cartoons.
The first couple months with a baby are easy (other than the hourly feedings). It's when the little fuckers get mobile that things go south, fast.
I'm drugged, can you tell? "Little fuckers." Ahahahaha.
Sure can! LOL!
hope the pain isn't too bad.
What's weird is, I think that's MY sewing machine he's using. A Brother something-or-other.
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