The baby's been sick, so she's been in her jammies a lot... but lately her favorite thing to do is wander around the house with a diaper on her head. (We use cloth diapers as spit rags around here.)
And for her birthday last year, her auntie sent her a xylophone in the shape of a lady bug. (She prefers chewing on the stick, or hitting the cat with it, but once in a while she plays it.) And those pointy sticks? Yeah. Knitting needles. Mother of the year for me! And instead of taking them away, what do I do? Get the camera.
This kid better be prepared to knit when she's older, or we're in big trouble. Haha.
it's really great that you apparently have no life Julie. I post about baby pictures and the next minute, they're up!
The nappy (sorry, diaper) shot is my favourite, even though we can't see her face!
Yeah...sometimes I wander around the house in my jammies with a diaper on my head too. It just makes a gal feel better somehow. Hope the baby makes a quick recovery. She's awfully cute even when she's under the weather!
i love the baby pictures, but one thing i don't understand is why you haven't knit more than one sweater for her
She grows too fast to knit for. I've het to have her fit into a size for more than a month or two at a time; by the time I'm done knitting, she's outgrown it.
So cute! The consensus in my house this morning was for jammies, but work called. I give B my size 19s to play with. He uses them to drum.
At this point in the latest cold, I'm ready to try jammies & a diaper over my head! (3rd cold in January so far, bleh.)
Thanks for the comment on my blog! She'll get the hang of the xylophone. And play it and play it and play it and play it...when you can no longer tune it out, you'll take it to the first unsuspecting family member or friend's house, "just to have" for when she visits. Works like a charm!
WE used the cloth diapers as cleaning rags. The Baby is 18, so there are very few left.
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