Friday, September 22, 2006

Murphy is alive and well and living at my house.

I just got the envelope from Halcyon Yarns that contained my size zero circular to knit the hem with.

It contained a pattern for a Santa Claus Christmas stocking.

Halcyon says they're re-sending my order today. Fifty bucks says it gets here on October 5 after I have no use for it, and I wind up knitting this hem on ten double points.

The first sleeve is finished just now, and I am going to go start the second one. If you hear faint screaming from the direction of South Carolina, it's just me.


Amy Lane said...

I'd shoot myself if I had to do something on 10 dpns...don't you have a hat or something you can work on?

Sheepish Annie said...

As a Mainer and neighbor to Halcyon Yarn (sort of), I hang my head in shame. They are usually pretty good... I could have just picked the things up and mailed them to you myself! Good luck; I'm still thinking it is all going to work out.

MrsFife said...

*Warning: Lame attempt at humour follows*

Maybe you were supposed to knit the Santa Claus stocking and hang it up, and then the needles would magically appear in it?