The brown and red sweater (any ideas on a name for it?) has a sleeve. This is often where projects stall around my house, so I am afraid to take a break from it. But I'll have to, at least for tonight, because my hand hurts. I went on a knitting spree today to finish that sleeve and get it attatched. The curling edges are due to hems that have not been folded under and stitched down, and it looks a bit short because the whole thing is only up to the arm pits. But, you get the idea. I keep thinking I need one of these myself, in maybe denim blue and bright pink.
Here's a closeup of the steek, for those of you who get nervous about these things. The yellow threads tied in are for pattern repeats; I'll clip them off when the sweater's finished.

I was thinking it would be amusing (maybe) to do a gallery of one-armed sweaters, so I dug through the old Yarn Closet and Hiding Place for Projects Gone Wrong (YCHPPGW for short), and imagine my shock when I found only one sweater lacking an arm. Everything else piled in there is waiting for either finishing details (the tax sweater still needs I-cord; maybe I should finish it in time to wear this summer?) or else it's there waiting for repair (Dale of Norway cardigan with a wonky cuff). I'm going to post a photo of the one-armed sweater, with the idea that it might shame me into finishing the damn thing. As usual it's a project for me that keeps getting pushed back while I knit stuff for other people.

It is "Innsvinget Ganser" from Norsk Strikkedesign. I tweaked it around a little bit (this is me, after all), most noticeably by putting in hems at the neck and waist. You can see on the sleeve, there will be duplicate stitch accents when it's done. I really like this... it'd be nice to wear. Maybe, gee, I dunno, I should finish it?
Either that, or quit knitting the date I start things into the hem.

My God, that blue sweater is beautiful. It's intense. I mean, the red one is nice but... You have to finish that!
Love both of them, especially the blue. But I have to ask - what the heck is a steek?
The one-sleeved sweater is gorgeous! I hope you finish and enjoy it!
Wow!!! Wear the blue one with just one arm. Folks will be so stunned by the knitting that they won't even notice!!!
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