My child was caught trying to teethe on her father's toes tonight. I'll spare you a description of his feet, but to say I am grossed out is a vast understatment. Other than "EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!", I am completely speechless. Eeew.

We spent the weekend vegetating around the house. It was quite pleasant, and I hope everyone else had as nice a holiday.
Mister Bunbun says, back to work!

Don't let the doily win!!! You are the human in this equation. For what it's worth, it looks great. Lace scares the daylights out of me...all that counting. ::shudder:: Thanx for the comment on my blog. I'll keep fighting the good fight against the ant menace!
Mr Bunbun? What a cute teddy name!
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