Isn't that pretty? The broken toe is the middle one. The real humor here is, one of the medications I'm on for my HAND reduces bruising. So that's the MILD version.
I walked into one of the Goober's chairs and basically stubbed my toe. Really hard.
We're having massive thunder storms with lightning, which scares the cat, so I have Sekhmet wrapped around me and can't get away from her.
The husbeast, that fucker, has started calling me Grace.
Tomorrow I'm not getting out of bed. (Ha, like that's possible with a two year old in the house. I wish.)
On the other hand, I've got a lot of knitting done, sitting around with my foot propped up.
That's a knit-in hem, and the crease where the hem hooks on BETTER come out when it's blocked. Anyone interested in a tutorial?
You are having so much bad luck lately!!!!! Somethings gotta change! I hope for the good!
at least with an "inner" toe you can bandage it to an adjoining one to hold it straight and in place. with a pinkie toe, ain't much to be done.
in my late 20s, my horse broke my left pinkie toe, the right one 2 wks later and the left again about a month after that. i didn't shoot the horse, mostly because the first time he was terrified from being trailered, and the other two times he was recovering from tetanus.
but there for awhile, i didn't hardly know which foot to limp with!
i hope you heal well, and soon. it's either that or learn to extend that toe as if it were a finger . . .
ellen in indy
Hmmm, maybe it would be safer if I said "Break a leg" in the acting sense. Or not!
Last time I broke a toe that's all they did, too, was splint two together. Guess I'd rather be coughing my head off, since it heals faster. Er, knock on wood.
Ouch!!!! That looks so not fun, except for the lots of knitting bit. The blue is beautiful.
Okay, tell the truth. Which god did you piss off? Zeus, god of thunder? Achilles, god of war? Geoff, god of biscuits? Really Interesting Guy? Whomever, you need to sacrifice some chocolate and a live chicken and STOP HURTING YOURSELF. ouch. I mean, really. Fucking ouch.
btw--that yarn is LOOKS yummy.
Ouch. I know its a silly question, but do you need glasses/need them tested? I know I need my eyes tested when I start walking into door frames.
And that blue is looking lovely...
And a samurai tutorial on knitted in hems? Yes please!
Ouch. I broke some toes and they really hurt. That's some lovely bruising you have there. I wonder how it would look without the medicine.
The knitting is going beautifully.
It sounds as if you need to wear steel-toed ankle boots with firm support from the moment you put your feet on the ground in the morning. You poor, poor girl!
Cat as garment. Interesting approach.
I broke a pinky toe a few years ago, when I "stubbed" it on a chair sitting on a thick rug. I knew it was broken immediately: my first impulse on hitting it was to vomit. And I have a very high pain tolerance!
Hang in there! And quit walking!!!
Bells' comment on the shade of blue made me think she was complimenting the blue of your foot!
'Cuz it is a nice shade of blue, you know.
The sweater's not bad, either.
Gosh, Julie, that sounds/looks/must be sore! And if those are the colors under medication, I can only imagine what an untouched color scheme on your foot would look like -
on the plus side, your blue yarn is beautiful...
Well, I guess Grace is better than Calamity Jane or Joe &$%*^% (or however it was spelled - from L'il Abner).
And, HistoricStitcher? I though Bells was talking about the color of the foot, too. Sorry, Bells.
Perhaps you could trade in the steel toed boots that Roxie mentioned and go for some steel toed slippers... The knitting looks great and a tutorial would be awesome
I wish your feed would go onto my yahoo page, I miss so much. As for the toe, you said something out loud about not breaking anything yet; it was bound to happen. It's like when I said "whew, at least I don't have that kind of cancer. That would suck". Yep, I ended up with that kind of cancer. Yes on knitted hem tutorials and good luck!
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