I took this straight off a chart in "A History of Hand Knitting", from one of the very old 'Coptic' socks. This was knit in cotton at a much larger gauge, with the idea of producing a tunic-style sweater/jumper.
Maybe I should do that.
There were some other good photos in the archives, like the doily I knit while I was caring for my mother (to keep my hands busy so I couldn't strangle my family):
This is - I think - the last doily in my Early Doily Phase (I won't rule out a Late Doily Phase, later in life). It's the Daffodil design from one of Marienne Kinzel's books. I knit it with crochet cotton on size two/3mm needles, from the center out. It's about three feet across and used, if I recall correctly, about 1300 yards of cotton. Looking at this I have the sudden urge to knit an epic doily, but I'll lay down until the urge passes. (And I am SO not gonna think about the 1000 yards of alpaca/silk laceweight sitting in The Pit. And the turquoise beads.)
There were also my first - and only - pair of mittens, knit in something like 2002.
I used some traditional Norgi pattern or other, and Dale of Norway yarn. They were a gift to a friend of mine who is anything but traditional, so I thought the color combo with the traditional pattern was fitting.
In other news, the husbeast bought is own iPod, a Nano, and is driving me utterly batshit running back and forth between our desks, synching our two play lists and music archives. I'm waiting for the editorial comments on my playlist; he seems to think listening to Queen, Ozzy, Madonna, and Bob Marley in the same sitting is strange. His head's really going to hurt once I start loading my classical CDs. Bach and old VanHalen make a good combo, too.
And further evidence the Goober hath inherited the mechanical bent of both sides of the family:
She keeps turning over her toys to fix them.
The husbeast is blasting Slipknot and showing the Goober how to mosh. She's giggling.
Oh, and a word on the wool I'm spinning. I want to make a three-ply yarn with it, which means I have to spin the single 1/3 the thickness of the final yarn. Plus handspuns bloom quite a lot when you wash them. (At least mine do.) The yarn I am knitting the Zen sweater with was intended to be sport weight, and after washing it came out as a mostly DK-weight, knitting up at five stitches per inch. So, really, I don't intend to knit lace with this stuff. Or spend the rest of my life knitting a sweater. The color looks like something my sister-in-law would like (the one I never know what to buy for, at Christmas), so it may be turning into a hat and scarf, or a wrap, or, I dunno. But whatever it is, it'll be Zen. I think I'm in a phase. Zen good. Ohm.
I've noticed that the busier my younger ones become, the more Zen all my knitting gets... Ohm... (Your pre-baby projects are breathtaking... when she's doing 1000 activities, like Mum Mum, you'll have lots of time to go back to Knitting 407, the Master's Class:-)
that's a fabulous pattern that first one. I love it. I'd love to do that.
But I won't. I can't. I would be mad.
I still love my mittens...and so does everyone else who comments on them! I need a hat now...or maybe those Tangle Garden socks...what do u think, dewey?
OK, three ply malachite yarn will make a lovely zen sweater. Or wrap. Or hat and scarf.
I look at that doily, blink, shake my head, look again, blink, shake my head . . . that is a tour de force. It just blows me away! What a stunning piece of work!!
Yowza, what great eye-candy in this post!
I need to come rub your head for some knitting mojo.
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