That was totally unprompted. Came up with the dance all on her own; all I did was get the camera and ask her to do it again. Almost makes up for the Day From Hell on Tuesday. But she still won't sing Dean Martin with me.
Spring has finally sprung here, and it's gotten warm enough to enjoy sitting outside for more than ten minutes. Remember "Where I knit?" well, here's where I'm going to be for the next little while (until sweltering humidity chases me inside again, probably by mid-May):
The whole porch needs a good scrub. I'm hoping to do it tomorrow, weather permitting. I'll let the Goober help. She hasn't gotten muddy recently.
And the Zen sweater is coming along nicely.
Almost done with the second sleeve; need to start counting rounds and figure out how much more sleeve I need to knit.
For any beginning spinners out there, I've got a suggestion. As soon as you produce something you think is acceptable, knit it up. Doesn't have to be a sweater, but SOMETHING. It's very educational. This yarn is a lot more uneven than I thought, but there's only been one spot that was so bad I had to cut it out. And even that bit would have held, it was just as thin as sewing thread. Not bad.
I've given up on the Corriedale roving of doom (I'm chucking it in the back of The Pit - formerly known as the yarn closet - for when I get a sudden, wild hair to try needle felting), and am waiting for some new wool to get here in the mail. Should get here tomorrow; I'm thinking of spinning up the next round and doing another zen sweater, this time for the Goober. ('Cause we both need sweaters, what with summer coming and all.) Until then, gonna go knit.
I sat outside to knit for the first time since the fall today. It was wonderful, especially since it's supposed to rain until Tuesday. I put a bid on a wheel on ebay and am waiting for the bidding to close. I blame you, you enabler.
The Goober needs a tutti-frutti hat! She's got the samba DOWN!
I love your knitting spot... we have no shade, I can go outside and knit but it gets really bright!
And I will definitely check out the Carmen Miranda gig when I get home:-)
oh she's too cute. What a bundle of laughs.
Yesterday morning it got up to 68 degrees here. This morning it's 37.
Ah, Michigan! Gotta love a place where the weather is as changeable as I am.
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