It's just possible I stirred the yarn too much (in an effort to get the color even). Here's a closeup of the carnage for those of you who haven't swooned yet.
...yeah. Winding that up on a niddy-noddy should be a good time. I'm pretty sure I didn't get all the dye out, either. (After literally ten rinses and three washes.) Screw it.
My mother used to get bronchitis a lot. When she did, she would say she felt like she had an elephant standing on her chest. I feel like there's an elephant standing on my chest. I now forgive the baby for whining this week. If she felt like this, it's no wonder. And now she's teething. Oh yes, good times.
The observant among you will notice I FINALLY put a button in the sidebar, linked to my etsy shop. In an act of shameless self-promotion, I put it at the top of the sidebar. You're all welcome to steal it, though I can't imagine why you'd want to. For those of you overseas, I have shipped yarn to Canada now, and it went well - letter rate and should be there in ten to fourteen days. (Catie, this means you. If you let me know when you get it, we can know for sure how well it went.) Thing is, internationally shipped yarn gets taken out of it's skein, put in a plastic bag, and squashed flat. Then the air's sucked out, the bag's sealed, and it's put in an envelope and shipped at letter rate (instead of parcel - cheaper and faster). So if you're overseas, that's how your yarn would arrive if you ordered it. And YES, the international shipping costs are correct over at Etsy. If it costs more, I'll pay out of pocket.
Just noticed that skein of yarn above dripped pink all over the bath mat. Bugger. Definitely didn't get all the dye out of it. DAMN.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go doze on the couch to the lyric strains of the Wonder Pets. (I fucking hate the Wonder Pets.)
Watch out for's a bugger and the feeling in the chest is similar. It took me five months to get over the bout I had last spring.
I have such a miserable time getting all the dye out of fiber, but I've had some good luck using Jacquard's synthrapol. It's available at craft stores. I don't know if it works with all dyes, though...
Just got my new Samurai yarn and am loving it!!!!
I was holding out for purple train wreck, but this burgundy is incredible. When will it be going up for sale, huh huh huh? And would it be wrong to name it Raspberry Ripple? (it looks very raspberry on my monitor.)
I was gonna name it something exciting like "Burgundy dip-dye" but if you don't mind me taking your idea, I'll be happy to name it Raspberry Ripple. Much more creative.
It and the rest of the dye batch will be going up for sale March 1.
are you still using a humidifier Julie? The one year I had a chest infection like that, sleeping by a humidifier felt like it was saving my life. You need to get your lungs opened.
also, maybe it's my monitor but i'm not sure what we're supposed to be seeing in the Raspberry Ripple. Looks great to me! It does look intense. If you hadn't already chosen a name I'd suggest Burgundy Blast!
I hate the Wonder Pets, too, but thank goodness for kids tv when we're feeling rotten, no?
Have you tried Hyland Teething Tablets for teething? Worked miracles on my kids, although I've heard there are some kids who are resistant. They make a gel, too, if you don't like the idea of sticking a tablet in your kid's mouth. (They melt right away though.) Homeopathic, so don't touch them and then put them back in the bottle. Don't know why, just don't. I love the Hyland's people, I really, truly do.
I love it. A lot. But Sekhmet seems to like your computer more.
Ack on the chest pain. Be careful!! You have a bunch of mom-readers, so you can expect some concern. ;)
You know, I bought a bunch of washcloths last year. I washed them, of course, before using them, but some of the dark ones STILL bleed! I can see the water change color when I wet the washcloth to use it. Sometimes, there's just no fixing it.
Hope the bathmat is OK.
And I hate Dora. (I get the pleasure of watching it right now, actually. Fun times.)
I once left a skein of yarn hanging outside in the sun by house to dry. I found it crumpled up against a tree... in one giant matted ball... it was painful, but I managed to rescue it!
I'll keep my eye out for it and email you the day I get it. Plus I'll wind it up in a ball to let you know if it got tangled or whatever. I really like the burgundy dip.
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