Otherwise, not a lot going on.
Yesterday, when I was talking about The Baby howling, I didn't mean to imply we were having full-blown temper tantrums. Really, compared to many other children, she's still very well behaved. She's just quit following the rules (she used to react to 'no!', now she ignores it and has to be physically removed from whatever) and whines or pouts when she doesn't get her way. The whining doesn't last more than a minute or two, and is rather low-key compared to things I've seen from other kids.
On the other hand, she was pushing buttons on the TV again yesterday, and turned it off. Instead of yelling like she used to, she just sat there for a minute, sighed, and crawled off to find a toy to play with - she knew I wasn't going to fix it or listen to her thow a fit.
The real problem is, I'm dealing with someone who has the attention span of a gnat.
Besides the baby wars, the sock continues to grow. I finished gauge swatches for the Knitty Project and blocked them last night (and boy howdy, is it a good thing I did a gauge swatch - really unpredictable results), and when the yarn gets here I'll start on THAT.
Still not motivated on that second sleeve.
Babies' butts are so cute.
Looking forward to seeing the sock!
I'm starting to be lured over to the Swatch Side. It seems to be a very useful thing to do. Maybe I am growing up to be one of them "real knitters." ;)
No one ever takes a picture of me when I stick my butt out and hide my face in the couch. Perhaps it is not as cute at 41 as it is at 2.
Your baby posts are going to seriously tempt me into motherhood. The Baby makes it look so inviting - she's so cute. She is baby propaganda. Oh, maybe just one baby - just one!
i didn't realise we were missing baby butt shots until we got one. Nice work!
Nice picture. "Hi! Baby" You know, if she has stopped reacting to "No!" you could try other negatives (or commands): "Hot!" "Sharp!" "Down!" Look at it this way you get to broaden your vocabulary and hers.
too cute... and Jennifer? Sometimes, they're like potato chips--you can't stop at just one. I can't wait to watch you dye more yarn--it's actually as much fun as SHOPPING for yarn!!!!! (Except until you open your site, I don't lose any money--but all bets are off when we get to start buying...)
That is a rather large one and a half year old you've got there, Missy. Exactly how tall are you and the Husbeast? Lordy.
Annie, I have to admit, I have fallen to the Swatch Side lately too, and I actually have been enjoying making them. I know, it's very pitiful. However, I don't usually wash them because I only have enough of that skein to make xyz, and if I wash the swatch I will have a smaller xyz.
Cute baby butt! I think she's a relative of Mork from Ork's...
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