I was starting to feel better yesterday and HAD to get out and mail some yarn (I hadn't mailed it Monday and felt really, really bad because I feel if someone pays me for something I should get it in the mail at first opportunity, even if I'm so sick I can't stand up straight). So while I was out, I thought, hell, we're out (did I mention I had The Baby with me because the husbeast is working weird hours again?) I should run down to the mall book store and get the new JD Robb novel. (Amy. Slow, deep breaths.) And, well, it was hot. Not outside so much - around seventy. But in the Jeep with the sun pounding in, it was pretty damn warm. And the AC unit in the Jeep apparently needs recharged or whatever because it wasn't working.
So we drove around yesterday afternoon with the windows down. (Right this minute, the Baby got hold of the TV remote and reset the cable box, and is now rampaging about the living room, howling because her shows aren't on. I'm going to leave her to that.)
At the time, it was nice. Cool air in the windows, baby squealing with joy in the back seat. (She loves the wind in her hair.) Today? Not so much. She's got a return stuffy nose. And me? I've got a sore throat again and glands the size of golf balls.
And I can't imagine why I just spent eleventy thousand words typing all that, except as an extended whine. I DON'T FEEL GOOD. WAAAAAAAh.
In other new - real news - inspired by Trish's suggested name for the yarn yesterday, I'm trying to do "Mermaid Tail" justice and adding in some blue-green and green to the mix and make it more... mermaidy. How is it other people come up with lovely romantic names for colors and I get radioactive isotopes and 'Queasy Iguana'? I'm sure there's another potential ink-blot style test in there somewhere.
That's the heel flap of the new sock. The colors are accurate. I need to avoid white in the future, and work on getting more 'middle colors' between the dark and light. But I kinda like it.
Now The Baby's babbling at me because I'm not treating the lack of "The Upside Down Show" with proper respect.
mmm. mermaidy mermaid's tail. it's so pretty, and sounds like the next bit is going to be even prettier.
Have you started the new J.D. Robb book yet? I just got it fromt the library last night, and whee!
It's so good.
Gee, what's a witty and thought-provoking way of saying, ooh pretty?
wow...you got it to self-stripe--THAT'S SO COOL!! I am jealous about the book--but only because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have time to read it even if I had it... *sigh* Feel better!
that sock is ORGASMIC!!!! I never, ever thought I would say that about a sock, especially a sock on size 1 needles.
I bow low to your talent. And your patience in dealing with the baby.
that sock is ORGASMIC!!!! I never, ever thought I would say that about a sock, especially a sock on size 1 needles.
I bow low to your talent. And your patience in dealing with the baby.
Julie, what sort of needles are you using?
Pretty sock!
I like the white. I really like the striping of the sock. Now why can't I get my own yarns to do that? Why? WHHHHHHHHHY?
Probably because you dye your yarns as you get them in the skein instead of REwinding them into even longer skeins and then dyeing them in one foot increments over a period of several hours.
The process is a pain in the ass. I almost regret that it looks so good.
Oh, and I'm using generic size one sock needles. Which are, um, like 2mm? Something like that. Small. The fabric is really tight and the sock is 72 stitches around for an average sized women's foot.
70 degrees? We're looking at another snowstorm here by the week's end. Blah...
But that's some pretty yarn you got going on there and now I know there's a new J.d. Robb book kicking around the bookstore just waiting for me so all is not lost!
Hope everybody is feeling better soon!
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