Lovely month in which I got nothing done.
No. I got the Kid Kimono done and mailed to it's happy new owner. I did do that. But that was about it.

Georgina is still on the needles, looking weirdly crooked (I have not counted the stitches because I don't want to know for sure that the neck hole is in the wrong place), and I eye it daily with the idea of throwing it in the trash. This did not stop me from buying more yarn for it, though, because it looked like I was running short. Even though I don't want to finish it. No. I am not tracking on this thought process either.

The Tax Sweater sits on the back of my futon, occasionally with a cat laying on it. I have wavered between facings and I-cord edge for the neck and arm holes (facings would make it lay flatter, but look strange and be a pain in the butt involving math to knit), and I think have finally decided (yesterday) to do the I-cord. So it's not done either, but I've got some clue what to do with it now.

The Poppies swatch isn't turning out like I want and I'm going to mess with it some more but the whole idea might just get scrapped (which should thrill the husbeast; more piles of yarn I'm not doing anything with). All that pink... I could knit a TomTen Jacket (from "Knitting Without Tears" by Elizabeth Zimmerman) with some of that pile of pink... in stripes... hmmmm. The goober would look cute in it, come fall, if I could guess the size right. Figure the odds.

And Friday I got fed up and cast on some near-instant (it should be done Monday or Tuesday) gratification knitting. No gauge (to hell with gauge), the wrong color (to hell with Project Spectrum), and no apparent use (to hell with that, I'll mail it to someone and make them happy). The only good thing about it is, it's making me happy and using up stash.
So there it stands. One whole project finished the whole month, and FOUR, yes FOUR projects in some state of knitting, planning, or finishing. I used to have an attention span. Really. I did.
1 comment:
So what IS the blue instant gratification thing??? A present for me? A merkin? DH would LOVE that!
Trish J.
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