Thanks to everyone who is chiming in with extra information and questions - I will most likely be writing secondary color articles after I work through the spectrum, to include all this new, good stuff. Plus the stuff I keep forgetting (cadmium red, Red 3 food dye, turmeric as an orange dye in Asia...) This has turned into a bigger quest for information than I'd expected - my thought was that I'd just sort of paraphrase "Color" (the book) and all the stuff I know about dye. But the more I research, the more interesting stuff I find. Like yesterday's explanation on how neon colors work. Even the husbeast thought that was intereseting.
Most of my information, if not from "Color" or assorted dye books, is coming off the internet. I generally use Wikipedia as a starting place for each color, and work outward from there. Searching the 'net for each color will likely turn up all my sources, or if anyone wants them, I can send links. Just e-mail and ask. (This information comes to you courtesy of the current romanceland scandal - Cassie Edwards, racist pulp writer, has been caught plagerizing. The entire situation is summarized, hilariously, here. If you're at all interested, read that summary; you will laugh and laugh. Read the comments, too; several famous romance writers check in, including Nora Roberts, who threatens to boil puppies. Or you can get real information, from where it broke, over here. Start clicking on the links to the articles, upper right corner.)
I still think plagarism should be a shooting offense. But we've had this conversation.
-... -
Otherwise, we're all rubbing along all right here at House O' Samurai. The latest nerve damage medication (Neurontin) is disagreeing with me, so I'm off it and we'll switch to another. But all the other meds are working great, and things are looking up.
The Goober and I will be heading back to Florida for more time with Grandma and Grandpa, at the end of next week. If I do not have Innsvinget finished by then (I'd like to, but I've no idea what will happen), I'll take it. If it's done, I'll take Russian Prime. I'm looking at other things to finish, also. I've got a lot. At first I planned to do a deal where I finished a project, then started a new one. But after inventorying all the one-armed sweaters around here, I'm thinking finish two, start one, might be more intelligent. At least until I finish everything around here. Ha.
Christmas knitting will begin in March, if not sooner. No mess like last year, ever again.
And here's a Goober photo, for those going through withdrawal:
Roberts would want to boil puppies, having had to sue Jane Dailey for plagiarism herself. My Dad was on neurotin for a while (different injury, he's got spinal narrowing at cervical and lumbar vertibrae). He didn't like it much either.
Wow...that is one happy Goober you got there!
Love the Goober pics. And hey, never knew the world of romance novels was such a hotbed of controversy. The summary is hysterical, even though I had no clue about any of this until I popped over here this afternoon.
Thanks for the interesting discussion of color. You should think about putting it together and publishing it somewhere!
I vaguely remember learning in my anthropology class that some cultures had only two color words and they always translated to black and white and those that had three words for colors would always add red and those that had four colors would all add the same color (was it green? -- I don't remember). In other words, there was a consistent order of adding colors among different cultures.
She's so wonderful. After three weeks with my own children, everyone else's look so whip-spiffy, I could just cry!
The Cassie Edwards thing went over great with my students. I didn't have the heart to tell them that the powers-that-be aren't really censuring her--just her entire community!
And the Gennita-Low thing was hands-down, no-balls-spared, fucking hysterical!
Maybe you have a calling to knit for the disabled?? Surely a one-armed person would be thrilled to be gifted with the perfect sweater.
I'm enjoying the color articles. I'm glad you throw in gratuitous goober pictures now and then. I think you should do them mid-article, sort of like an ad for cuteness.
Oh my, look at all those nice sharp little teeth. Post that pic on the front door with the caption, "This house is protected by rug rats."
I am enthralled with your color essays, and I would pay retail price for the book - even with glossy color pictures!
I vaguely remember learning in my anthropology class that some cultures had only two color words and they always translated to black and white and those that had three words for colors would always add red and those that had four colors would all add the same color (was it green? -- I don't remember).
The order is black and white (it's more like "dark" and "light"), then red, then green or yellow, then the other of green or yellow, then blue, then brown, then orange, pink, purple and grey in any order.
It's not an absolute universal; there's stuff like Russian, which has a basic word for dark blue and another for light blue but no general blue, but it makes a good rule of thumb.
I learned about it in linguistics classes and I was so fascinated it stuck. :)
I know that this is totally off topic of the post, but I was wondering if you knew of any lace projects that would be good for someone who hasn't knit lace before. I really like your blog, btw.
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