When I started knitting, I tied in that little white thread you see, at the arm pit seam. You can see I knit about a foot; pretty good, although it's knit on size fives so it's not like that Blue Shimmer size one nonsense.
Anyway, here is the front:
There's no cuff, because at the time I started the second sleeve, I'd already knit the first one and knew it was too long. I hadn't decided if I was going to shorten the first sleeve at the cuff or shoulder (each situation having it's own problems). Eventually, I decided to put a black ribbed cuff on the sleeves, and shorten at the shoulder. So I'm gonna put the cuff on before I sew it into the body; it'll be easier that way.
I really want to work on something else, but I'm going to dig deep for my self-discipline (what there is of it), and force myself to finish this. Kick off the Year of Finishing Stuff with style.
-... -
My father-in-law enjoys the novelty of having a grand-daughter; he never had daughters, just the husbeast and his brother. So my father-in-law will occasionally wander into a children's clothing store and buy froufrou dresses for the Goober. The latest is a spring dress, he bought to match her eyes.
This thing is taffeta. Since I have practicality and frugality hard-wired into my soul (I blame my mother), it's good to have someone on hand to buy this kind of stuff.
Then he takes us all out to dinner, to show off his grand-daughter, and gloat that he has the best grandkid in the room. I don't know who is more cute, the Goober or her Grandpa.
You know, having gone through so much to have a child at all, I mostly am just grateful to have the one.
But I do admit to the teensiest pang sometimes when I walk past the racks of little girlie dresses.
Dang you, you are working on Innsvinget! Now I do have to sweep the loom bench and finish the three-harness twill.
oh how adorable. She looks fabulous. Does she enjoy dressing up? I think you'd have to go a long way to find a little girl who didn't.
And Innsvinget is looking incredible. I should take a leaf out of your book on a certain jacket.
Way to go with the self control there. And the Goober is adorable as is her Grandpa. Too cute. :)
Goober looks super cute and yea for dotting grandparents.
I love little girl dresses and love even more having someone else love to buy them! She looks precious in the dress. I love the sound taffeta makes when you move. My middle daughter and I made a taffeta prom dress for her out of emerald green taffeta. It was gorgeous and sounded so festive when she walked.
I'd have to see grandpa, because right now, Goober is winning...
And about the sleeve? HUZZAH FOR FINISHED UFO'S...
You know it will be worth it...
Holy owned and operated! That sleeve is stunning! What a tour-de-force!
Darling goober and doting Grandpa are a perfect match. What a sweetie he is! Actually going into a dress shop and buying a dress that fit? Clone that man!
That sleeve is absolutely gorgeous!
I love it!
And thank you for the vicarious dolling up of the little girl. Sometimes I miss that, having a little boy. But the frugality in me loves it - he only needs jeans, T-shirts, plain school uniforms, and 2 kinds of shoes (dress and sneakers) and he's well-dressed.
Of course, he tends to destroy the clothes he wears. I've become even better at machine-mending than I was before...
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