Thursday, March 04, 2010

Sekhmet, you fucker.

I finally feel good enough to spin, and what happens?


Krysta said...

Oh cats... Don't they just looooooooove to be in your way? My (sadly, now late) cat would insist on laying on whatever my mom was reading. If she was reading a book, he'd lay on that. If she were reading the newspaper, he'd lay on that.

Luckily he never cared about my yarn, and I wasn't spinning then...

Sarah {The Student Knitter} said...

lol not much you can do about that, huh? heheeh

Emily said...

Cats do love attention, don't they? Hard to ignore her there!

Amy Lane said...

Aww... but wouldn't she make a nice tortoise-shell colored yarn, with a lot of body... and some teeth and claws...

(Okay--went to Stitches one year and saw a booth where they taught you to spin yarn out of your pet's hair. The whole booth smelled like dog.)