While watching the movie, I sat and knit. I'm making a concentrated effort to finish the Russian Prime, because it's serving essentially as a prototype and giant gauge swatch for the Newgrange sweater, which I'm gonna knit knext. (My poor father-in-law's sweater is getting pushed back, AGAIN.) Don't know how long I'm gonna last at the whole 'concentration' thing, though, 'cause yesterday I ordered a book about spinning with color and a variety pack of dyed wool roving. 'Cause, as you know, I don't have enough fiber insanity going on around here.
Speaking of fiber insanity... thank you to all who offered loom advice. I've done a bit more research and what I want to try is basic weaving with a few detours into brocade. For that I think a rigid heddle loom, a basic one, would get the job done. But let me know if you disagree; heavn knows there are a LOT more experienced weavers out there. (There's one rigid heddle loom, I think by Kromski, that has built-in warping pegs and folds up when not in use. It's a tabletop, but we've got a huge variety of tables at different heights around here, so I think that would work.)
Trying to gear up for an exciting day of grocery shopping.
Oh, and someone knit a Fair Isle sweater from this:

I won't get to it before 2050.
White (blog post) and an open Etsy shop, coming soon to a computer near you.
I just saw a young lady ion a fair isle dress (store-bought) that had those colors and it was gorgeous.
Even though she was wearing it with a belt (like all those VK models).
One caution about a rigid heddle loom: It requires that you reach and lift the heddle, against the resistance of at least half the tensioned warp for every shot of weft you throw.
I've been weaving (mostly on harness looms) for 27 years. I got a wicked case of tennis elbow from the rigid heddle loom a few years ago and quickly donated mine to a middle school math teacher who wanted it for her class room.
So...tho' a new rigid heddle loom may be inexpensive, the medical costs and the inability to do other fiber stuff because of the d*mn thing ends up being pretty pricey.
I could do that...but I wouldn't get to it until 2055--you're still a better choice!
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