The recipe for the lemonade is available, here. I actually found Myer lemons at the grocery store (I was so shocked, I just stood there, boggling, for a moment). If you ARE using Myer lemons instead of regular, use more juice than the recipe calls for; it's very mild in taste compared to the paint-stripper aspect of regular lemons.
Sekhmet, that fucker, is laying on the Russian Prime. And the Goober is talking to her toes.
I'm anxiously awaiting my book on color in spinning, and my sampler bag of twelve (fourteen?) colors of wool roving.
And I'm still looking at looms.
In. Sane.
And these two aren't helping.
Fiesta ware is one of my favorites. I promised myself that when my children move out, I will but a set in all different colors. Right now, they drop so many things that I am always buying replacement pieces. I can't afford to keep replacement Fiesta Ware! And the husbeast and the goober are too helping, they're getting ready for spring with their cool sunglasses.
My mother, in her infinite wisdom, purchased a myer lemon tree a few years ago. And it's produced almost no lemons. However, she also picked up a lime tree. The lime tree has had fruit on it continuously for the past four years... We like that tree!
Where do you get those shirts for the Goober? I LOVE 'em! The husbeast is rather well along on the cute side, too.
Now that's a GREAT picture!!!
OKay...anything ceramic in my house has a limited life...we've hidden anything pretty.
I need a shirt like that for my DOG! Especially in the summer when he's been catching and eating grasshoppers all day!
Er, do they come in 38 or 39" chest?
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