Do you know what season it is? If you ask Sekhmet, she will tell you it is Cold Toe Season. There is only one solution to cold toes; lay on your hoomin's lap. (In principle, I am in favor.)

She hops on my lap, paces around, and stands for long minutes between me and the computer that is usually on my lap. Then she wiggles around. And wiggles. And wiggles. Then she shoves her face in my boobs (usually amusing unless the cold, wet nose lands in my cleavage). Heavy sigh, happy cat. For a minute. Then more wiggling. Eventually she arranges herself so she's laying lengthwise along my lap, shoving my computer away from me as she goes. MY ARMS AREN'T LONG ENOUGH TO REACH THE KEYBOARD by the time she's finally comfy.
If I move her? She bites my feet.
Silly hoomin. Cat's comfort more important than compooter.
Imagine if the husbeast used the same approach.
The sad thing is, I think the husbeast would do something similar to that.
Likely already has.
Pippin figured out a long time ago that if he lays across my lap I can't type. Outsmarted the hoomin once again heeheehee
At least you get her face. My kitty likes to get between me and whatever I am looking at then flip her tail at me, to put it politely.
You know, you make me grateful that my lap is too small for my cat. The only way he can lie on my lap is if my legs are up on the couch, or if I'm half-reclining (or both). End result? He normally curls up on the carpet. He's not likely to fall off that.
My cat learned that the computer battery put off more heat than I did and would lay directly on or underneath the machine. Hard to type with a moving keyboard.
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