She picked out the dress. We walked into the store, and she saw it and said "OOOO! Purple SEQUINS." I said we needed to find a dress with sleeves. Being a good kid, she didn't argue. But we poked around and none of the other dresses worked. (What is it with no sleeves this year?!?) So, since nothing else worked better... what the hell. We got the dress she liked. (Life is short. You're only six once. Purple sequins are required.)
Then we rounded it out with tights covered in little hearts, and these:

I would so totally wear a pair of these. I posted the picture to Twitter the other day with the caption "GLITTER SHOES!" and everyone said they weren't sure whose feet would be in the shoes.
They have Hello Kitty charms on them, too.
Maybe I can get some Chucky T's and paint them with glitter.
love the purple-sequined dress! and that she does not shy away from having glittery shoes too. :)
another blogger that i like glitter-ed up her shoes with a ton of mod podge:
Oh my, look how beautiful and grown-up she looks. Sparkle-y shoes, oh, I want sparkle-y shoes too.
Oh they have glitter grownup shoes with heels 3 or more inches high...spotted some at TJ Maxx...I'd so wear glitter shoes, but I so don't wear heels...
Yes, glitter flats for grownups. i think I have a pair or canvas skimmers that have seen better days . . .
If I could pull it off, I'd wear purple sequins, too! Nothing succeeds like excess!
The Goober looks so beautiful in her purple sequins! That's the one thing I miss having a boy - girl clothes are so much cuter! (Unfortunately, I don't think he'll wear purple sequins for me. Otherwise, I wouldn't trade him for the world.)
I was in Michael's the other day and they have glitter paint. It said it would work on any surface......
(verification? sahip. "it's so hip....")
Oh, this is so perfect. She is so glamorous. Enjoy!
Great dress! She'll probably always remember that one.
I think you do need a pair of shoes like that with fingernails painted to match :-)
This post just makes me smile...
I have wanted a pair of light up sneakers since they came out. Unfortunately, I don't wear a kids' size.
jfgi, dear samurai, and you'll find more kinds of glitter shoes than you can imagine -- though i found none just like dear little goober's.
my princess-wannabe, grandgirl, turns 10 this month, but she'd be sooooo jealous of goober's purple dress!
(i think she must take after my x's unknown birthmother, cuz the glitter gene doesn't crop up elsewhere in the family.
i normally don't rock purple, either, but at 23 i owned a purple dress that brought me tons of compliments and a boyfriend i now consider one of my favorite mistakes. luckily, you don't have to worry about boyfriends for about 4 more years. then they start getting crushes.
Oh, one of the six best colors! Purple shiny! She's lovely:-)
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