Wolverine boots. Waterproof ones, with Thinsulate. I went to the grocery store this morning, in the cold and rain, and my feet STAYED WARM. Absolutely wonderful. And they'll last longer than flowers. (Hub gloated to his buds at work, while they were buying flowers and candy, he took me to the boot store. Hee.)
I've been sloooowly knitting the Watson Scarf:

Really slowly. Half the time I can't make a fist, so that's a lot of knitting time, gone.
OT appointment Monday. I'm hoping the news isn't too bad.
The Goob has been like this today:
I think it's a growth spurt; she's also been eating everything in sight.
Today I got a copy of the new Principles of Knitting. YES! It has finally been printed, after years of postponements! I've given it a quick flick-through, and a lot of holes have been patched. (For instance, there was no mention I remember, at all, of medallion knitting in the original. This time, there's math and cast-ons and other discussion.) Cast-ons listed have gone from around ten to about eighty. I've had enough requests, I think I'm going to do a comparison with the old one, and a review for everyone. But for thirty bucks, how can you possibly go wrong?
Still being a bit of a newb I wanted to add in reference to Principles of Knitting...
I've only paged through it and skimmed part of the beginning and it looks like if you have this book you don't need much else. It's definitely beginner (and afraid to try new things) friendly.
(also are open ID comments completely broken on blogger?)
I have my "Principals"on order. Looks awesome!
You can't make a fist? That is SO not you! Get that fixed muy pronto!
I'm not knitting because of numb fingers--right hand because of excess mousing, left hand from suspected carpal tunnel. Nerve test on Tuesday.
My Valentine's is my Kindle Fire. So far I've spent ninety-nine cents for one book, the rest are free.
I guess I'd better go order one before they're all gone!
I hope the OT has some good news for you.
Good luck with the OT!
I must say, bookdepository.co.uk is normally better priced for Aussies, but not on this book! It's almost $AU45! Although it is available on Kindle... Would you suggest that?
Got my Principles of Knitting yesterday...I loved that it came out on Valentine's Day, it was *my* gift! :D 4lbs. of knitting goodness could only be beat by 4lbs. of chocolate, but the book won't make me gain weight.
Alacaeriel--my deciding factor on hardcopy vs. Kindle edition (when both are available) is often whether illustrations are in color or B&W (I have a Kindle Keyboard). All the photos in "Principles" are B&W, and the illustrations are B&W with a reddish-brown color for highlighted strands, etc. which *should* render on the e-ink screen in a way that is useful. (If you have a Kindle Fire, you can just go ahead an ignore all that since it has a color screen!). HTH! :)
Julie--hope the OT has good news for you!! I had a disappointing appointment with my ortho's PA today where she gave me some awful advice on how to manage RSD...waiting on an appointment with my PCP for referral to pain management and I needed meds refilled until then...can't wait to dump Awful Ortho's office for good...
I tried to imagine being in your shoes, unable to knit with messed-up hands...it was not fun imagining. I hope hope hope there's a solution waiting for you.
I'm still waiting for mine to show up. Anytime this week!!
Okay-- need to look me up Principles... although I'll feel bad-- my designing time is nil these days!
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