A photo essay, by Yours Truly.
Yes, that's where I've been. Moving. I think I broke my last nail today, and our household goods from South Carolina don't get delivered until Thursday. In the mean time, living here has allowed me to find all sorts of great stuff that we never noticed (or I didn't realize would be so awesome) on the walk-throughs and tours we did.

There's a skylight in the kitchen/dining room. Of course I knew that, but I didn't realize how nice it would be. I park under it, at the breakfast bar with my net book, whenever I have a moment. Saves money, too. We don't have the lights on in there much, except at night.

Two and a half car garage. The days of tools in my front closet, or in my dining room, are over! Woohoo!! Plus the hub's happy with his toy truck near him. And I'll have somewhere to park my Jeep indoors. But really? YAY NO TOOLS IN MY HOUSE!

A den with a gas fireplace. With air blowers on it, to keep the room toasty warm. We get another epic winter, and the power goes out, we'll be good.

A kickass future work space, once I get it unpacked. The husbeast's aunt even gave me a gently used rug (a very nice one that I think is wool) for it, that will match the futon.

A laundry room. With a laundry sink. Considering I've been using a communal laundry room for a year, and had my washer and dryer in the garage in South Carolina for five years. This pleases me immensely. (The washer and dryer get here with the rest of our stuff.)

THREE!! FRIGGING!! BATHROOMS!!! Every person in the family can take a break at the same time!!! !! ! !

There is a roundy-round cupboard in a corner of my kitchen that will proceed to hold all the baking supplies I like to have - a whole lot of them. Plus it's an efficient use of space. Double win. In the other corner is a shelf with a hinged door that will allow me to stow heaps and piles of pots and pans and baking dishes.

The guy who used to live here was a retired carpenter. He knew the guy who built the house. Everything in the house is square. Lines line up. Corners are ninety degrees (unless they're supposed to be something else). Ducts and vents aren't crooked. It's amazing. Last couple places we've been in, the WALLS didn't even line up.

Related amazement; he did all the woodwork. Not only is it square as well, he went to the trouble of mitering all the ends as well as corners. This makes me smile every time I see it.

Aaaand, this is the view from the window over the kitchen sink. It's similar to the view off the back porch, which I also love but forgot to take a photo of. That little red curl in the lower left is a hose going to the sprinkler. So far the Goob's been out in the back yard every day. Every hour or two, she says "I love our new house!"
I think we did pretty well.