I am prepping for the post on fashion and how to dress.
Though the images still need a lot of work. And it's likely gonna be more than one post. We're going to start out with silhouettes of fashions from the last century (and examples of real clothes when I can find them), and go on from there. Anyone taking this seriously should get their own measurements and perhaps stand in front of a mirror, naked, and do an honest assessment. I'm going to be breaking down figures into gamine (boyish, fashion-model, slim, you get the idea), hourglass, and boxy. One is not better than another, but you've gotta figure out which one you've got if you wanna figure out what to wear after that. If you've gotta, pretend you're dressing a mannequin. That's how I started doing it. (I started off as gamine, went to hourglass as I got older, and dressed boxy the whole time. Not the best plan I've ever had.)
Other than that, interesting comments on the environmental posts.
Ellen in Indy points out (or her hippy son does) that hemp is probably the most eco-friendly fiber, and they're probably right. Problem is, EVERYTHING uses power and chemicals in processing, so even spinning your own fiber isn't completely 'green' unless you're growing your own stuff. Even then, if you're 'retting' linen or hemp fibers you're rotting fiber and pouring off chemicals. Any possible dye you use, even throwing your yarn into a coffee pot (works for protein fibers) is going to use chemicals that wind up in the watershed. Of course a single pot of coffee or tub of retting-water isn't going to make a difference. But six billion of them would.
I like very much how people popped up from all over, offered opinions, information, links, and shared it.
I'm very curious as to exactly how the chitin fibers work. I'll do what I can to dig up some information.
And, well, I think I've got to go do some more laundry and spinning.
Nothing but excitement, here.
".. I'm going to be breaking down figures into gamine (boyish, fashion-model, slim, you get the idea), hourglass, and boxy."
There should be an adjustment for age, too, dontcha think? I'm getting cellulite, courtesy of genes & living long enough. Not to mention the dignity issue. Looking forward, anyway.
Where did you find the silhouettes from, Julie? They remind me of a blackwork embroidery my hubby's sister and grandma made. Looking forward to your next posts...
P.S. You have me in your list of blogs as 'Tiger's Blog.' My blog address has changed to http://tigerheart.typepad.co.uk
Can I just say I love reading your blog!
And in honor of your lace fascination, my word is "dents" -- what I consider the abbreviation of the French word for lace, "dentelles."
Where does "flat-chested with hips" fit in there?
Srsly, the only time I had a chest was late pregnancy and nursing. It's gone again.
On the other hand (end?), narrow in the butt I'm not.
One of my favorite things that a nurse-midwife said to me was, "You have an excellent pelvis." This is down on my list of best weird compliments evah.
Sending you some chitin fiber info via email, links are kind of long.
I'm looking forward to this. I was quite the long legged skinny thing when I was young. I've become curvy as a woman and I've learned to live with that. And my legs seem to have become very short......
I guess my legs just looked longer when I was young.
And while you are looking around about chiten could you check if people who can't eat shellfish can wear the chiten next to their skin.
Now THAT'S my kind of weekend!
Crap, I'd give my left thigh for a figure like the silhouette!
And, I haven't stood naked in front of mirror in 29 years. It would probably break.
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