Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Oops. My bad.

This? It's not the "World of Tomorrow". I think that really is Stark Industries. Or maybe Disney World. (Reality. It's so boring. Why confine myself like that?) It was actually the "Parade of Progress". Which I'd have seen on the truck if I'd been more than half awake. There's a Wiki article about it, HERE. And, a picture of one of the "Futurliners", as they were called, opened up for display, to give you the gist:
You can see the light fixture raised up and everything. Poking around the Wiki page reveals that these suckers were designed by Harley Earl, so I'm sure they were intended to hark back to the roaring twenties, just like they look.


  1. They have one at car museum in Hershey!

  2. omg, that's the coolest thing! red and chrome--be still my heart. how could you not hook that right up and drag it off?

  3. Where have you been and when will you post again? Carol

  4. Took me three weeks, but I finally finished reading your archives. Hope you're doing alright and your long absence isn't because you've injured yourself in some way.
