Friday, September 12, 2008

It is the queen.

My in-laws have reminded me, they never had any little girls to shop for until they got hold of the Goober. This has been brought home to the nth degree tonight:

Don't miss the purple satin shoes. With sequins.

We'll be lucky to get her out of it to sleep tonight.


  1. Do they make those purple slippers in grown up sizes? She looks so adorable and happy. That is how birthday's should be!

  2. oh my goodness it's fantastic. She has her own real princess outfit. It'll go really well with the engineering skills she's displaying at a young age. What a fabulous balance!!

  3. Awwwwwww.... its a good thing Goob and Ladybug don't live anywhere near each other--diabetics all over creation would be sugar-shocking by proximity. She's adorable.

  4. I look at your blog every day, I have to confess. I can just see the grandparents' gleeful shopping for Goob.What a birthday! What a lucky little girl to have such a family. And such a mom!....MLE

  5. how wonderful! She looks very happy in her lovely princess dress and shoes.

  6. It's true, shoes DO make the outfit.
