Thursday, September 27, 2007


There was a question in the comments about how I was doing, since my fall last Saturday. I thought I was doing fairly well, but then I went to the gym last night (stupid, stupid, stupid) and probably re-injured something or interfered in the healing process or whateverthehell, and now I'm in a lot of pain today. In fact, I just told the husbeast, the last time I felt this bad, I'd totaled a motorcycle and was waiting to have orthopedic surgery.

You know that scene in "Raiders of the Lost Ark", where Marion gets irritated and asks Indy where he DOESN'T hurt, and he points to a little spot on his elbow and says "HERE!", yeah. That's me.

The Goober had her official two-year-old checkup today. She's 36 inches/80 cm tall and weighs 34 pounds/15 kg. I give you this info so you can imagine the fun time I had wrestling her into the Jeep and back out again. Twice. (She's off the charts for growth, and perfectly healthy. The nurse was marveling at her vocabulary.) We're taking part in a medical convention known as "Family Practice", meaning the whole herd of us has the same doctor. (This can be very good, like when everybody gets sick with the same germ - only one appointment needed.) So while I was there, the doc asked if I had any other questions, meaning about the Goober, and I said, well, yes, but it has nothing to do with the baby. Long story short, I mooched some anti-inflammatories off him, and I see him tomorrow to discuss my knees, my thyroid, and probable rotator cuff surgery (oh yeah, have I mentioned that? I've ripped the shit out of my shoulder, carrying the Goober around).

Nothing but good times ahead.

OTHERWISE, everything is ticking along smoothly. I've been frolicing through Ravelry and have learned something very interesting: I never finish projects for myself. Everyone else gets stuff knit for them, start to finish, but I wind up ditching my own projects to make something for someone else. (Yes. I realize every last one of you reading this is sitting there going "No SHIT, you fucking moron!" but allow me my grand revelations, if you please.) I also realized the other day that I'm almost hoping I need shoulder surgery so I don't have to worry about the Christmas deadlines. That's... really sick. I need to sit down with Dolores and have a couple cigarettes and see some male strippers and blow off some steam. (I may have found a good alternative to that, but more later.)

So that's my life. How about yours?

*This post brought to you by the wonders of painkillers. BabbleBabbleBabbleBabble.


  1. You mean we're sposta knit for OURSELVES? Really? Is that a rule? I mean, I've dabbled in it in the past, but it felt dirty to me...

    Anyway, enough about my perversions... it really sucks how our bodies can betray us. I've been limping around for four days--why? Because I stood up all weekend and my feet said 'fukyabyebye' (my new word.) I hope your body experiences the wrath of Julie and knocks off this crap immediately--after you get to miss the Christmas deadlines, of course...

  2. Aren't painkillers the best? I think it's amazing that you can type and watch the Goober while on drugs. I am dead to the world and say "what?" alot when I take pain killers. I have only recently knitted something for me. It felt so good I want to do it again. My new rule is one for someone else, one for me. It doesn't matter if it's a sweater or socks or a scarf.

  3. At least you finish stuff. I just keep on buying and starting new projects and nothing gets finished.

    I am still laughing over the goober's video from yesterday. I think the same thing happened to me last week. I was washing the dog and he wasn't happy so he kept on turning in circles until I got dizzy and fell over.

    I know I am 47 and I should know better but it was fun.


  4. I gave birth with no drugs, and I think the rotator cuff injury hurt more. Seriously. I get sympathetic tears in my eyes just reading about RC injuries now.

    And there's nothing like an active heavy toddler to run up and give you a hand-yank on your bad arm!

    I think I'll go do my neglected physio exercises before bed . . .

  5. Honestly, until recently I was the opposite. I didn't knit for others often at all, mainly because I didn't have enough confidence in my own work to give it to other people. I knew that if I knit a sweater, I'd wear it no matter how ugly/ill-fitting/badly constructed it was, and although I know my friends and family would do the same if only to avoid hurting my feelings, I never wanted to do that to them. To this day, I still obsessively inspect some of those earlier gifts whenever the recipients wear them, just to make sure nothing's falling apart!

  6. By the way, I sit in awe looking at your book collection on Ravelry. It's like a fucking library!

  7. Would you start taking better care of yourself so we can meet up sometime soon? Sheesh. Some people...
