(If you don't care about kelp, fine, just leave me a comment with your Ravelry name.)
Someone asked, in the comments, how soon the kelp would kick in and they would feel a difference. It depends a lot on how you take it. (And if you've a thyroid problem in the first place, but we've been over that.) I felt it in about a week, but I did the Napalm Method - started with four a day and bumped up to six, two days later when I didn't get hives. But I've taken kelp before and was pretty sure I wasn't allergic. If you wanna be responsible about it, take two a day for a while, then up it to four for a while, etc. Cut back if you get lower back pain or hives or any other obvious side effects. You should notice a difference within a week or two.
For those curious, I'm also taking Dandelion root, Burdock root, and Milk Thislte for the weight loss. Dandelion and Milk Thistle help the liver function smoothly, and in the case of Milk Thistle, repairs mild damage to the liver (they also both act as mild laxatives at the regular doses). Burdock helps the body get rid of environmental pollutants, including heavy metals like lead. I figure if my body's burning off fat, it's creating waste products and the faster they're out of my body the better. These won't help if you're not doing much else, but if you're already eating right and exercising, they can help. For dosages, read the packages. It should be on there.
-... -
I am officially on Ravelry. I got the invite at eleven PM last night. I created an account, fished around for a while, and was still in bed by midnight. Someone give me a cookie for that one. Anyway, I need your help:
I AM ON RAVELRY AS SAMURAIKNITTER. Please drop me a note in the comments, or on Ravelry, and identify yourselves!! Ideally, I'd like to 'friend' all my blog readers, so I can keep y'all straight. So far, I have one friend, and it's a regular reader I found by accident (figure the odds) while poking around last night.
At any rate, wow. Ravelry is very cool. I will say what everyone else has said - Imagine how great it will be when everyone has joined, and all the photos and projects are added. Right now there are a lot of missing photos, etc. As it is, there are very neat groups (I'm thinking Fair Isle and Dolores Devotees, for now) and clicking through everyone's projects is very nice. Including the Ughs. Ughs are mistakes, and they're funny, because just about everything I saw there, was something I've done myself.
As a designer, what I love most is seeing how everyone has taken someone else's design and made it their own, with yarn choices and our usual 'bit here, bit there' method of tweaking things. Someone knit Alice Starmores "Henry VIII" with only two colors, and you know what? It looks fantastic. (They knit it with Knitpics yarn. I bet Alice is pissed, if she knows about it.) I never would have thought of two colors. But there you go.
-... -
As for the Goober, we're going to be experimenting this week with occasional daycare. Very occasional, but I need a place I can drop her once in a while, particularly for doctor's appointments. She's getting too big and too opinionated to take her everywhere with me. (Besides, she should have more fun playing with other kids, than sitting in a doctor's office with me.)
I shot a short video last night of her that the husbeast and I found hilarious; I'm going to try uploading it. Sorry for the bad lighting, etc etc. If you turn it up real loud you can hear Goober squeals and parental snickering.
We'll see how this works. I doubt it'll happen often, but it's worth a try.
ReplyDeleteDuh. Of COURSE you're Samuraiknitter! Why didn't I think of searching under that name?!
Yep, doctor's appointments, very, very tough with kids. I often still do it, but geez. This is why I'm not going to physical therapy for my shoulder, too. I don't have a place to leave my kids once or twice a week.
Thanks for the heads up about the Starmore sweater, and for posting the cute video. My Ravelry name is KatieK. I don't actually understand what the friends list is about, but please put me on yours and I'll put you on mine.
ReplyDelete"8009 people are ahead of you in line."
So cute, the little goober. Ravelry, I signed up way too late. There are 16000 people ahead of me, or so.
ReplyDeleteHow cute is the goob? :)
ReplyDeleteBeing the bastion of creativity that I am, my ravelry name is fickleknitter.
Ravelry? Scared of that!
ReplyDeletethanks for the reassurance that you won't disappear into it. And thanks for the Goober dance! Smiles all over my morning!
I'm over there as RandomKnits. Occasional care saved my sanity. Pity they don't have it for fourteen year olds. For 10 years of occasions.
ReplyDeleteditto on creativity: I am catiephillips... The video is hilarious, it reminds me of when my nephew was about 2ish and would dance/jiggle any time Ricky Martin's shake your bonbon played or was sung. As a result my brother actually bought the CD dispite it not being at all what he likes
ReplyDeleteI'm on ravelry too as wizgirl. I've been reading your blog now for sometime. I absolutely enjoy it. Love the video, brought back many memories of my own goobers.
ReplyDeleteOkay...(can I go on, if I'm not on ravelry myself?)
ReplyDeleteAnyway... good info about the organics... I'll keep that in mind when I get serious about it!
Aww, what a cute dancin' baby!
ReplyDeleteNow quit making me laugh, darn you, until this cough goes away . . .
Personally, I'm thinking "heat death of the Universe" before the 10,000 people ahead of me get invited.
I usually just lurk, but I have been reading for awhile. I am idontknitenough at Ravelry.
ReplyDeleteGosh, I only have 6037 ahead of me now. Won't be long, now. I have to think up a clever name, sheesh.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute 10-second video. Did you do it with your camera? Occasional care is a good idea, IMO, if you find someone/place you like. We are sociable creatures, why not give the littles opportunity to socialise?
i searched under Samurai Knitter (with a space) yesterday and didn't find you. Found you just now because you found me first!
ReplyDeleteThat's a real photo of you! Ha! I'm very surprised you did that!
Gorgeous Goober video. Gave us a giggle over a breakfast. More please!
Shockingly enough, I'm RobynR, and I haven't gotten sucked in yet . . . because I'm being very careful and limiting my exposure :)
ReplyDeleteI'm on as kit which should be obvious. I'm one of the ones who haven't done photos yet. The problem is figuring out how to get them off my camera and onto the computer. I think I need a piece of software my husband has helpfully filed "somewhere", but perhaps I can download it. Currently I have a visiting elder with alzheimers, but she leaves in a week. After that I think I can figure out photos.
ReplyDeleteI hate taking 2 year olds to dr. appointments. My son threw a tantrum so bad, I had to leave as everyone in the clinic stared at me. Fun, fun. I'm on ravelry as myhobbyisyarn.
ReplyDeleteDelurked to say Ravelry name is roofee. I haven't had my invite long. I cannot use my left arm for awhile so I have not got to be out and about on Ravelry like I want. I enjoy your blog!! I welcome friends!!
ReplyDeleteVery cute video :)
ReplyDeleteMy ravelry name is tigerheart76 and I'd be very happy to add you as a friend!
Woohoo! Congrats on the Ravelry invite. I'm finding I definetely like it for keeping track of things, but it's been taking me a little longer to get into actually contributing to communities and forums and other such things. Then again, I tend to be slow at things like that-- hell, Strikke-along and Summer of Socks are going to be my first ever knit-a-longs!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad other folks are starting to get their invites. It's been cool to see the number of users on Ravelry slowly tick up in number.
I'm anastaciaknits :)
ReplyDeleteI'm loving ravelry, too, but since ravelry, I've stopped blogging, and I've cut the number of blogs I read WAY back - but I'm discovering that the blogs I've kept (like yours) I enjoy even more (since I'm not reading so many of them).
I'm Andi on ravelry. I'm so addicted to that site it isn't even funny.
ReplyDeleteHi there . . . added you to my friends on ravelry . . . and I like everyone else, stick to the same old, same old "mlj1954"
ReplyDeleteMy oldest child is 21, my middle one 13 and the youngest is 6. We spent 18 years in day care with only one 6 month break and God willing, will never see the inside of a day care again, at least when I'm paying for it. Very bizarre.
If I had known then, what I know now, I would have bought the damn place.
Anyway, my kids loved it. And most of the time, they loved my kids, except the 13 year old who, at 2 was quite capable of trying the patience of any reasonably sane person.
ravelry: yarnyenta
ReplyDeleteRavelry: LauraLili
ReplyDeleteI'm Malin on Ravelry too. Creative, nope. I love seeing what other people have done with yarn that I own, or what yarn they have used for patterns I want to try. And I *love* the organize-your-stuff parts!!!
ReplyDeleteI have read and enjoyed your blog for a while, don't know if I have commented before though. Glad to hear that you plan to keep it up :-)
Ravelry is like crack, you just can't stop. I'm on there as sylph. I just need to practice my crappy photography skills and get more of my projects up. Of course, it never fails that I'll get started and my daughter will wake up from her nap. I swear she knows when mommy is doing something for herself.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering where you were on ravelry...welcome! I'm poeticknits (I only realized later that it's not a good handle, but what can you do?) I'll look for you when I can. Ravelry seems to be very tempermental lately, not coming up on my computer. And I have photos to upload, dammit!
ReplyDeleteI'm on Ravelry as vsoul, add me if you like :-)