Thursday, May 17, 2007

The rant.

I've been resisting a post on this, because there's some line between total privacy and posting everything in the world on my blog, and I'm still not quite sure where that line is. But damn it, I'm furious.

I'm totally out of all my pain medication.

Last week, on Friday, I called and left a voice mail at my doctor's office saying I needed a couple refills, and left all the information they needed PLUS MY PHONE NUMBER. I haven't heard a word. They claim they need 72 hours to process a call (72 hours for two bloody perscriptions?) so I waited. And waited. No perscriptions, no call. I called again Wednesday morning. Still haven't heard anything. And if I call the pharmacy to see if they have any perscriptions in my name? No answer.

After not sleeping last night (because I was in pain), I called again at seven this morning and left MORE messages, on both the nurse and doctor's voice mails. It is now ten, three hours later, and not so much as a quick call to tell me they're working on it.

My choices when it comes to medical care is the Air Force Base (which I'm dealing with right now), the Navy Base (half an hour away and I'll bet no better), or paying a $500 yearly deductable see a civilian doctor when there's military medical allegedly available. (At least, the deductable was $500 when I checked on this, years ago. I wouldn't be shocked to know it's higher now.)

I am going to wind up having to go over to the base tomorrow, WITH THE BABY, and sit in the waiting room and force someone to find time to deal with me. And they'll be irritated with me for forcing the issue (this is considered really rude in military circles -- do I have a choice?) All because these assholes can't get their voice mail. Time for another letter to the CO.

But none of it's fixing the fact that I'm in pain and haven't slept in two days.


  1. I am so sorry, that really sucks.

  2. I feel your pain! (Sorry for the horrible pun) but I totally understand where you're coming from. These military systems suck wherever they are! Go ahead and write the CO (I wouldn't dare here).

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. No words but those of agreement with you. That sucks ass! Make sure to check with the pharmacy again though, cause you know if you go there and they have finally decided to take the two seconds to either call or just fax your script in they will be crappy with you. Like it's your fault they suck?

  5. i feel your pain, or my pain as the case may be. i'm currently in a similar struggle with my health care provider, but have managed to get to the phone tag to reschedule an appointment phase. my favorite part of this game is when they do schedule me an appointment, in an hour, and get annoyed when i point out that without the ability to bend time, i cannot possibly make it. (sorry to complain on your comments)

    i just wanted to show you some support, let you know you're not alone, and say that i really do enjoy your blog. hope things work out soon!

  6. YUCK! As a sufferer of regular pain myself...I feel for you. And health care administrivia is so horrible.

  7. Ouch! This is nothing but unacceptable!!!! Reading the post I've gained an appreciation for my doc, whom always supplies me with 'extras', just in case.

  8. I think military families deserve the best health care possible, but then, I think ALL families deserve the best health care, and that's not what we have here. (I hope you get relief soon; I once spent an agonizing day waiting for the midwife's office and pharmacy to connect correctly so that I could get relief from a case of nursing-related thrush, which hurt more than the natural childbirth.) Our health insurance costs us thousands up front, and has a $4000 deductible. Oh, and prenatal care goes towards the deductible--it's not covered. I just discovered that one. Doesn't that make sense? I mean, what does prenatal care have to do with healthy babies or anything...

  9. People who have not tried to work through debilitating pain have no idea. No freakin' clue.

    How to put this . . . when you show up in person, you are less ignorable than when you're trapped in voil jail or on a voice mail tape.

    Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth (hopefully deep into their leg) and stay right there visible until they deal with you.


  10. Oh good grief!!! The hurdles one has to go through to get certain medications refilled is just beyond ridiculous. I take a medication that is considered a "controlled substance." I have to go through hell and back to get a refill. And get weighed every other month!!!! Sheesh!!!!

  11. that sucks big time. Is there someone you can punch?

  12. I'm sorry...I really am... @#$%ing military... I've had friends who've had to deal with this shit, and it never ceases to amaze me...

  13. I hope by the time I read this you've got it sorted - sounds like it really sucks.
