Thursday, May 17, 2007

Photos, then.

There were some requests for photos of the damn doily, showing more detail. So here you go. This is a closer, better-contrasting view of half the doily so you can see the pattern layout:

And here's a closeup shot of one of the edge scallops that's almost in focus:

Aaaand here's a closer view of the center pattern detail:

You'll notice, from the closeups, that most of the doily is just stockinette with some yarnovers thrown in. That's the main reason it knit up so fast; not a coincidence. I'm rather disgusted with myself that it took almost as long to crochet the edging as it did to knit the whole doily. That's some pitiful crochet skill, even by my standards.

The Baby is zoned today; no idea why she's so tired, but we went to the store and she whined the entire time (except for when she was actively boo-hooing). Most of the morning was spent imitating her father by laying in the recliner watching TV.

The husbeast doesn't let his belly hang out like that, though. (And if it did, it wouldn't be nearly so cute.)

Sekhmet has gotten stoned again.

She scrubs the catnip mouse over her face like a washcloth. Very fun to watch.

Still no call from the doctor's office. I called the pharmacy earlier today (what you have to go through to get someone with a pulse on the phone is ridiculous) on the off chance a perscription had been called in and I wasn't told. Nope. Nothing. The idea of spending the morning sitting in the waiting room over this doesn't improve my mood a damn bit.


  1. that kills me. The zoned out belly shot.

    Doily is amazing. Well done. I will make one. I need to!

  2. Maybe she's cranky cause mama ain't feelin' to great. I know my kids get more owly when I'm not in a good mood.

    The Doily is beautiful. I hope the shawl that I'm making will turn out half as good, first I need to learn how to read these blasted charts,grrr.

  3. most impressive doily. I'd never have the patience!

    cute tummy. I LOVE baby tummies. :-)

  4. I wanna be sekhmet and the baby. PLease? The doily is very awesome...although I'm sure it feels like sleight of hand to y ou...

  5. Excellent results on the doily! And really, that's a heckuvalot of crochet for that edging. Don't beat yourself up.

    Hope the pain meds come through soon. My heart goes out to you!!

  6. Beautiful.

    Check the baby's ears . . . whenever my kids would do the zone-out, it was generally the predecessor to an ear infection, and they never got a fever, just the pain . . . usually about 3:00 a.m. Sorry. Hopefully, it is not.

    Navy Medical sucks too. My nephew's wife ended up coming home even though it would cost more for medical at home. Her blocked milk duct turned out to be a tumor. Doc her found it. Doc on Navy base prescribed antibiotics and lectured her about bringing her kids to the her appointments . . . hello, hubby is on a ship, no one to watch the kiddos . . .

  7. Here's the plan: Take the Baby to the zoo, or the park and wear her cute little butt out. Then, and only then, go to the dr. Sit in their waiting room with a tired, cranky baby, and see if they don't remember the next time you call for refills to call them in for you. Might piss off the CO, but then again. . . .

  8. Sekhmet, you stoned fucker!

    That's great. I love it.

    And The Spawn pics... hehehehehe! She's getting so big!!!!!

  9. Nice close ups! That's what I was waiting for. It's funny how something made of such simple elements can look so...fancy.

    The crochet skills can improve easily enough. You just have to spend more time crochet-ing. ;)

    Stoned cats and kids--love it!

  10. Zoned = growing. Loved those growth spurt days. Jujube slept like a sack of spuds. Mama gotta lotta knitting (reading/writing/napping) done. Enjoy them when they roll around. They're like snow days. Can't see 'em coming so you're compelled to make the most of them.
