Thursday, February 12, 2015


"Cast on 300 and join without twisting" can kiss my ass.


  1. Heheheh. Try knitting a round/row or two and then joining. I haven't tried that yet but a friend said it's saved her sanity more than once, and you have only a tiny bit to seam.

  2. If you have binder clips or spring clothes pins you can point the stitches in the same direction around your circular needle. Make sure you leave enough stitches to do the joining at each end.

    I came up with this after doing around 300 stitches for a little girl's dress 3 times. Hope it works for you.

  3. And so the moebius cowl was born. Betcha money.

  4. Yeah, I don't even try to join that many stitches on the first row. That way lies madness and far too much swearing.

  5. that kind of recipie elicits the following in our home.
    "honey......can you hold these circulars end-to-end while i fiddle the middle" cue endless "fiddle his middle" jokes afterwards....
