Monday, April 02, 2012


I am slooooowly getting back in the groove of blogging. It's really hard to get back in that head space where you think in blog posts as the world goes by. But! Here are my distractions! I finally got the loom warped.
That's silicone baking paper there on the back beam. My new excuse is, I can't bake cookies because of it. Ha.

I'm now down to the more boring but much less difficult chore of winding up the stick-shuttle-thingie:
Everyone who dropped by and left messages with information on weaving? Thank you. My shoulders are already a mess, so I won't be doing any crazy weaving marathons like I do spinning or knitting.

I'm still knitting on the third shawl:
Crazy Zauberballs are fun!

And spinning. I've got a Pagewood Farm roving, called "Peaceful":
It's all the colors I'm gradually decorating my living room with. I've got some half-assed idea of doing a wall hanging or pillow with it. Maybe some stripes in a blanket? Something.

The reason for all this relative activity is because I missed OT last week. Instead of laying on the couch wishing for morphine, I've been able to do something. In small, short bursts, anyway. For every hour of spinning, there's two hours drooling on the couch. But, it's something.


Today, the Goober composed her first poem. I am posting it here, for posterity:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I interrupt,
but Mum does too.

She also correctly used the word "appalling".

I'm gonna just sit here and gloat over the kid's vocabulary. Y'all just go on.


  1. I, too, had a precocious child when it came to vocabulary. She used the word facetious and the kindergarten teacher was surprised. Not that she used the word but that she used it correctly.

    The Goober is smart because (besides good genes) you allow her access to all kinds of materials. What a difference an information rich environment makes for a kid. Our kids are so going to outstrip us! I can't imagine living without the internet anymore.

  2. The two and a half year old I nanny was talking to me the other day and I asked her a question. Her response? "Unfortunately, I did not"

    Complete with hand motions. Those big words in little mouths can really get you.

  3. One of my mom's favorite stories about me as a child was when I told her my two-year-old brother had wandered off. I very calmly informed her that he had "espied" some swings in a neighbor's yard. :)

  4. One of the best poems I've ever read!

  5. Over the years (even in college) my daughter has been downgraded for using non-words - maw, entrenched and amongst. Go figure.

    Way to go on the poetry Goob!

  6. Ah, vocabulary! Now there's a movement I can get behind. I love words like maw, entrenched, amongst others. I didn't know they'd been downgraded like poor Mr. Christopher was by that pesky College of Cardinals a few decades back. I asked the lady at the religious store I was in a few weeks ago about a Mr. Christopher medal and she was quite snippy that it was SAINT Christopher and I told her "nuh-uh, he was demoted years ago." I didn't get/buy a medal.

    You go, Goob. Since April's Poetry Month you can play along with the rest of us.

  7. I believe St Christopher was only downgraded to "optional" rather than "required to be believed in" - so he's still a saint if you want him to be.

    I have been known to photocopy a page of the dictionary (and on occasion, a grammar text) when people tried to tell me I had mistyped their work. I think in college I would have done it if necessary, but in the lower grades I think it would only have gotten me in trouble. Fortunately I had well-educated teachers who knew how to look up words themselves.

  8. Oops. "Anonymous" re: Saint Christopher was me.

  9. I had the problem of using words I had only read and never heard pronounced. I knew how they were spelled, but didn't always get the right em-fah'-sis.

    You don't have to wind the entire ball of yarn on to the shuttle at one go. Go ahead and start the fun part.

  10. My mother's vocabulary was extensive. She used the word "wonky" often and only in the last few years have I heard other people using it commonly, ie. 'the sweater is looking wonky.' One summer at a workshop at lunch someone was studying vocabulary for a test (nte maybe) and throwing the words around the table. I got most of them and they were kind of staring at me. My excuse...upbringing and reading. Go Goob! Helen

  11. yeah, that's what happens when you talk to kids like they're people, rather than like they're babies, and give them access to what interests them.

    my son, when adopted at 2.5, had a small, very garbled vocabulary (has partial hearing loss and foster family had talked babytalk). on top of that, he was later diagnosed as dyslexic.

    but at the end of 8th grade, he tested as having a mid-college-level vocabulary. about the same time, he told me something arcane about hitler. knowing that he hadn't yet had 20th-century history in school, i asked him how the heck he knew that.

    he looked at me pityingly and said, "mom, the history channel. duh."

  12. D'awwww! What a cute little loom!

    Yeah, don't overwind your shuttle. If it's too thick, it's really annoying as it drags through the shed.
