Monday, February 13, 2012


Another shawl. (That's Sekhmet in there for scale.) I've really been wearing them, especially in bed at night. (The blue one looks sooper klassy with my usual biker tee shirts. I'm sure this one will, too.) It's interesting; this is one of the yarns I dyed myself, in Charleston. It was wound in a ball, and the outside layers of it, the pink faded a bit. You can see it, along the edge:
Still, for years-old hand dyes, that's not bad. 880 yards of laceweight on size fives, for anyone curious.

I've started on the Watson Scarf.
I'm darning in the ends as I go, but I like to wash the knit and wear it a bit before snipping the ends. That way the yarn can 'set' and felt together a little bit, so the ends of the yarn stay where I put them and don't pull loose. (This is Cascade 220, regular, so it WILL felt a tad. For other fibers, I do different stuff.)

Um, otherwise? I got nothin'. Had a bad pain flare over the weekend, combined with a caffeine overdo, so I've been sozzled. AND KNITTING! WHEE!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    wondering what stitch you used on the Watson scarf. I'm a newbie to knitting but I can see the stockinette on the blue yarn but not sure what the one on the green is. :)
