Tuesday, November 22, 2011

...I got nothin'.

Right. Blogging every day. HI!

Maybe there's something interesting in my photos. Let's have a look.


I could blog about food, but which one? And will my readers kill me for a blog post on wheat?

Still spinning the blue stuff...

Re-reading a silly romance novel from 2002...

I could blog the tree book, but I wanna read it first.

Oh. The Goober's new thing is HELPING. She scrubbed out the sink for ten minutes this morning, and nearly killed my new dish brush in the garbage disposal. (Far better the brush than her fingers.) I want to ask her what's WRONG with her, wanting to CLEAN, but that would warp her little mind, so I just let her. It's great that she helps, really, it's just weird.


Still got nothin'.

Well, there's always tomorrow. Usually.


  1. Oh don't worry... the "helpful" phase passes all too soon, never to be seen again. And I, for one, enjoy all the kinds of posts... food, plants, whatever. Mostly because my mind is that way too.


  2. That last cat pic is a classic. He is now on my facebook entitled 'My Guru'!

  3. The helpful phase is really good when you have to clean up afterward. It's soooo hard not to just say "Let me do that". And then allowing them to do tasks that are not done up to your standards but are the best they can do? Hard. Very hard. But necessary so they can develop pride of accomplishment. I love watching kids learn new tasks and take on new jobs.

  4. Did I miss the VK post? I love your posts about knitting, but I'll read anything you write.

  5. An excellent post, just the level that my brain's functioning (or rather not functioning) at. Love the Canadian commandos. I could spend all day looking at bearded burly men. Ooh, baby.

    Send the Goob to my place. I need all the help I can get, even from a kid.

    verification word: "ophedd" what mine feels like today

  6. Let's see: VK, unreliable GPS and all the bridges in Pigsbird, school standards today vs the good old days, school standards in the US vs the world, any food (you could move through the Thanksgiving menu), living in the frozen north vs paradise, art, history. Seems like there are a lot of things out there. You'd think I could blog more often than once or twice a year.....

  7. Wheat sounds interesting! Where's it from, what are the differences between the varieties (triticale vs sorghum vs ...), why did western humans decide on wheat rather than spelt, emmer, etc?

    Inquiring minds aren't picky ...

  8. Little girls LIKE housework! That's why rednecks marry them.
