Monday, April 11, 2011

That damn finger.

I was going to try to avoid getting graphic and posting a picture of my cut finger. But, everyone had good suggestions (that unfortunately won't work for one reason or another) and my finger's not so bad, so, what the hell. Here, then, is the damn finger.
Keeping in mind that I knit Continental, it's like I set out to fuck with my ability to knit. I don't think I could have done worse with planning and deliberate effort. I was using a bread knife with serrations, with a pretty drastic sawing motion (serrations work best when the knife moves laterally as much as possible). The cut went nearly to the bone. The husbeast scoffs a bit at this (politely), but he wasn't there to see me pull the damn knife out of my finger, and he sure as hell didn't feel the teeth bumping through my skin. Blech. (The Goober, however, was mightily impressed when she saw me dripping blood into the sink.) Anyway, since it's been a week, I'm sure it's not infected, which means it will, eventually, heal just fine. It's the meantime that's making me squirrelly.

With where the cut is, I can't just ignore it. Yarn and loose fiber catch on the edge of the cut and pull it open. (And what a lovely feeling that is.) I am one of those really strange people to whom Super Glue does not stick. So that's out. Seriously. I glued it shut to do some cleaning, and the glue held for about two hours before peeling off - and you can see, that's not a spot in my finger that's bendy. Bandages, finger condoms (ha) and gloves are also out because they all fuck with my ability to control/hang on to yarn and fiber. Remember, my right hand is already fucked up, so my left hand compensates. Basically, I've got nowhere to go but bonkers.

Really, if this is the worst health crisis I have this year, it's gonna be a great year. I was just, um, a lot frustrated yesterday when I wrote that blog post. I AM able to skein yarn with a bandage on my finger, so I'll get on that. And take lots of pictures when I dye it.

Plus, I have Phineas and Ferb Band-Aids. So I'm cool. (When I bought them, the Goober informed the checkout clerk "those are for MOM". Thanks a lot, kid.)


In other news, Sekhmet has been guarding her kitten.
I don't know why, and I know better than to ask.


  1. *pats* Sorry, honey. And when I waited tables, we used to use finger rubbers whenever our fingernails got bar-rot for being wet for too long--oh, the dirty jokes we cracked...

  2. Your little girls are so cute together! But I can feel the plots hatching all the way across the country.
    Cuts anywhere on the hands are the pits as they are usually at an angle so there is a flap that tries to catch on everything!Soon you will be able to trim the rough spot and get back to knitting!

  3. Have you tried electrical tape? it worked for a knitting buddy of mine.

  4. I have a cut on my left index finger from the worn tie-out cable for the dog. I have a cut on my left middle finger from reaching into my purse and sliding it along my open safety(!) scissors.

    I feel your pain. Also, a continental knitter. Also tried to knit and got everything caught in my injured fingers. Also can't get superglue to stay stuck.

  5. Try leaving the band aid off and letting it breath. Sometimes tight bandages and neosporin hamper the healing process by preventing fresh air from reaching the wound site.
    And its completely normal for super glue to peel off after a few hours. Tissue Glue however - the surgical kind - WONT come off...glued my hand through my latex gloves to one of the cats I was assisting in surgery one day... Oh the FUN! ;)

  6. Damn, finger hurts just looking at it! I'm also a continental knitter...I can see how that's in exactly the right (wrong?) place to completely eff up all chances of knitting! Sending quick-healing vibes your way :)

  7. The Goober is just adorable and the cat is more intimidating than a pit bull. Of course the kid needs guarding. Who could resist all that sweetness and charm?

    As for the finger and the incipient madness, how about a medically induced coma for a few days?

  8. Ever hear of Super Glue? It really works in these cases.

  9. i love how they are sitting on the bean bag, on the couch. :)

  10. I did something similar (I still have stomach flutters at the memory) and after the soreness went away some, I used liquid bandage. It took me awhile to build up enough layers but it worked great. Might be worth a try.

    I wish I had The Goober's hair. She doesn't know how lucky she is :)
