Thursday, January 20, 2011

I married a lunatic.

The husbeast is outside. At eleven-thirty at night. In the dark (obviously, but it bears repeating; it's FUCKING dark out there). Plowing the drive.


I knit doilies for fun. I should not criticize what others do for fun. But DAMN, dude.


  1. I have done that - only by hand, with a snow shovel. It's quiet at night, with the snow gently falling. And there's not as much to shovel in the morning.

  2. Hot cup of spiked something ready for him when he comes back inside or just a hot shower and a water bottle for his toes?

  3. I have a neighbor who does that. He goes out with a shovel and shovels in the night/morning/midday and shovels while it's still snowing. I figure he must think that shoveling a little bit at a time is worth the extra time. I think he's nuts.

  4. Oh yea, done that. Woke up in the middle of the night, couldn't go back to sleep, so I went and shoveled the drive way. Grilltech thought I was nuts, when I came back to bed an hour later freezing.

  5. Well of course he's nuts. Look who he married. Nocturnal snow shoveling is just a side-effect.

  6. What is he using to plow? Is that why its fun?


  7. I assume you have a lovely new snow-moving machine of some sort. Guys love those. Plus, yes, of course: look whom he married!

    It's not that dumb, actually. Makes it easier the next day.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I agree with Emily. I'm in Columbus, OH and we've always removed the snow partway. it makes life easier at the end, particularly since we are doing it by hand/shovel.

    Yours has us trumped on the night work. We've done it when we both got home from work, but that's twilight around here, not night.

  10. Hee hee... I bet with the right machinery, it reduces stress.

  11. A bunch of the neighbor guys are out there with their snowblowers in mid-storm. Me, I like to wait until the last flake has fallen before I go out and fire up my big red machine and blow it all to hell--or into the neighbors' yard, depending on wind direction. It's fun being out in the dark night. Peaceful.

    I'd rather be nuts than boring.

  12. I love to shovel snow in the dark - it's very quiet and peaceful, almost meditative. Plus I don't have to get up so early to do it before I leave in the morning.

  13. Our neighbor across the street regularly snow blows his driveway around 11:00 p.m. Isn't intrusive to me and I kinda like that others are up late also.

  14. I always clear the driveway while it's still snowing if I'm expecting a large snowfall - it's easier to do it twice than it is to struggle with 14" of heavy snow in one go!

    Besides, my snowthrower doesn't woek well when the snow is deeper than about 8".

    I'm not the only one in my neighborhood running the motor at 10-11pm, either.

    I love shoveling in the dark. It's so peaceful!

  15. Back in the day when I was a wee lass and I lived somewhere where it snowed, we had days when my dad plowed the yard three times in one day because it snowed all day long. Makes total sense to me to clear the drive in the night.

    Knit on with the doilies!
