Thursday, December 02, 2010


Okay. I had several ideas on today's post, including the one truly planned - a discussion of how commercial recipes work, and then recipes for roll-out sugar cookies and gingerbread cookies, by request.

Life has not cooperated, as usual.

So, instead, I'm going to ask for ideas. As most of you know, I taught my mother-in-law to knit about five years ago, and have been knitting both in-laws sweaters and things for much longer. I'm not doing any knitting for Christmas this year, but we'll be staying there over the holidays. So I thought it would be funny to yarn-bomb their house. Stealth yarn-bombing, where, with luck, they will be finding yarn and laughing over it for months.

Ideas, anyone?


  1. Left over sock yarn in the middle of toilet rolls.

  2. a knit cozy for a spice that isn't often used? furniture feet? in the linen closet? on something they won't use until spring - perhaps an umbrella - or on a pair of sandals?

  3. In each of your MIL's purses and in your FIL's toolbox(es) or pockets.

  4. Maybe the knobs on drawers in the guest bedroom? Or the inside doorknob in there? Maybe rods inside the closets?

  5. Hmmm, closets, behind mirrors, glove compartment of the car, under mattresses, in the freezer, spring coat sleeves and pockets, in desk drawers.

    You could even replace a bed pillow with a pillowcase full of yarn.

  6. A knitted flower among the real ones?

  7. Candle cozies. Definitely on at least two candles out and about (if any), and at least one on a candle in a drawer. (With instructions to "remove before use", of course!)

  8. How about a doily thumbtacked to the bottom of a table? Think of things from the Goober's perspective while you're there and Ideas will come to you. Do they set up a creche? Give baby Jesus a blanky. Mary could maybe use a shawl. Yarn butterflies inside the good china cups when they get put away?

  9. I was given a tree ornament, clear glass with bits of colorful yarn inside. If you could find them you could give those as outright gifts.
    I have no really cool ideas otherwise. Carol

  10. A little knit scarf on something in the freezer - perhaps some frozen chicken?

  11. Wee hats on the bolts that hold the loo to the floor, also same on detergent, fabric softner bottles. If you do similar colors it will take longer for them to realize they are there!

  12. Between sheets in the linen closet.
    On a high shelf, near the back.
    top of the fridge.
    under couch/chair/TV stand or whatever is near but not on the floor.
    In a cup or mug.
    Under couch cushions.
    In the medicine cabinet.
    This is fun, even virtually!

  13. Behind picture frames--you only find it when you dust!

  14. What about bits on the water supply to toilet or sink. How often do you look at the pipes under your sink? I like the stuff in the freezer!

  15. FIL's ratchet (Hubeast had to get the car thing from somewhere, guessing it was his dad.) Inside MIL's recipe box. One of the ornaments on the back of the tree. To get them started, you might want to put one around a candlestick, or something public, so they realize they have been bombed.

  16. Water-pipe cozies for the win, especially in the basement or under bathroom/kitchen sinks. You could also tie a cute bow on a P-trap or something (less commitment).

    If they have a poseable gooseneck or other bendy desklamp, its stem might be a great stealth place: I can easily see them using it for quite some time and not noticing. ;->

    Similarly, up inside shades and other places you only look when you need to replace a lightbulb.

    A pretty necktie (or earflap hat!) on one carrot in the crisper.

    The stem of a star-and-post swivel office chair, if they have one.

    The bottoms of a table's legs can get custom socks/slippers (possibly with pompoms on the toes).

    Power cords behind the TV. :->

    Light pull-cords can get pompoms or octopuses (do you know how to make an easy yarn octopus? Wad up some tissue paper or other stuffing, cut enough lengths of yarn to cover it; tie together at the bottom, braid eight legs, tie at their ends, put eyes on it).

    Toothbrushes get cold, too, you know.

    If you have any spare roving, you could felt their hand soap in the washroom -- that's awesome AND useful (be sure to leave an instruction sheet under the soap so they know you didn't ruin it):

  17. Spare tire or jack or lug wrench? Suitcases? Inside a or Cd/Dvd case? Under a sofa cushion?

  18. Oooh, different jewel tones in the wine glasses!

  19. bookmarks, pen or pencil dressings, a coaster for a coaster, some i-cord around the pull cords for blinds in a room that's not used much, cozy for the tire pressure gauge in the glove box, maybe some pom-poms with googly eyes randomly hiding around all over

  20. Knit tiny hats for the tops of their booze bottles.
    Knit tiny shawls and hats for any figurine that they have sitting around decorating the home.
    Wrap some styrofoam balls with leftover sock yarn. Hang on their tree when they aren't looking.
    Good luck. Let us know what you do.

  21. door handles--all of them, inside and out--so they find the ones on closets in a week or two
