Thursday, July 01, 2010

Quick update.

We closed on the house yesterday. It's a done deal, and it's ours. We've got keys and everything. The previous owners are paying us rent for a week while they pack up. Their movers show up on the sixth, and we start hauling our stuff in on the seventh. (We're plotting how to get the beds over there that night so we can start living there instantly.)

The Goober is getting more and more impatient to get out of this apartment. Which means she's getting more and more awful. She's driving me insane, and there's been a lot of getting sent to her room and being made to sit in the middle of the living room with the TV off, pondering her bad behavior.

The next clusterfuck on the horizon is the movers bringing our stuff from South Carolina. We scheduled it for delivery the fifteenth. For some reason, we know not what, they don't like that date and want to deliver it earlier or later. (If it was such a bad date, why in bloody hell didn't they say the day wouldn't work and schedule us for something else??!??) The hub got a call today from them, saying our stuff was on a truck in the state TODAY, and they wanted us to pay $500 to store it up here until they could deliver it. Huh? Where in the contract is that wrinkle?

So the stress is still high, but it is shifting, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Or perhaps it's an oncoming train.


  1. The good thing about moving is that eventually, it's done. Hang onto that!

    It's very likely the Goob is picking up on the overall stress level and spitting it right back out at you. Kids are awesome like that.

  2. Hope it all goes as well as it possibly can. Let me know if you want a really good attention holding (for my 5 yr old, anyhow) sticker book to occupy the Goober's attention while you pack/unpack.

  3. Oh, boy. The military can be astoundingly stupid sometimes
    ...there's your explanation for that. I was a low-level Army wife at West Point; I have stories.

    But your husband is likely a veteran at dealing with this kind of idiocy, so I'd just hand it over to him. Things are happening! It's almost over!

  4. It's like Hoover and Boulder. If it's not one dam thing, it's another dam thing. This, too, shall pass.

  5. I hear you on the stress. Just in case the DH's job does go away, he pre-paid for a year of wireless internet. Which has quit working entirely. Argh. I'm on d.i.a.l.u.p. until the installer can come and do his spark stuff to our transmitter.

  6. SWEET! Congrats to you and your family! Be careful about the movers trying to rip you off, there are a ton of stories on the internet and on news channels about the conjobs the movers try to pull off.

  7. End in sight... end in sight... end in sight...

    And seriously? Too bad you can't pack up the little poo-butt and send her to grandmas for three days... moving will go by SOOOOO fast!

  8. That is good news (the house closing, not the stuff coming from South Carolina fiasco) The next couple of weeks may be painful but after that it will be great.

    Your own house with space and storage!

  9. Road trip! Come on everyone, let's go crash at Julie's house!

  10. MAZAL TOV!
    It's a beauty, great property, lovely views. Such a thrilling adventure for all of you.

  11. Ooh, Amy Lane, you're a genius! I second her suggestion, send the Goob off to Grandma's (or make them come get her) and you and the Husbeast deal with the Navy and the movers.

    KKU as my grandma used to say (Keep your Knockers Up) and this too shall pass.

  12. It isn't the military. Its the movers. I speak from experience. Not that I've moved, but I move people. If they gave you a date spread, they have to stick to that spread. Don't let them charge you for their miscalculation.

    Hang in there. This will pass and you will be soon showing us pics of your new work area.

  13. I hope the move is going well. I am pretty sure you are in the thick of it right now. Good luck!

  14. Congrats!!!!! Me - I never want to move again. The gigantic move from VA to OH was enough for me. I just submitted the paperwork for the damaged stuff to the moving company. Everything that was damaged was done so during the packing phase -- like using tape around an antique chest to hold the drawers closed. Pulled the darn finish off the chest getting the tape off! Oh, and making the vertical stacked stereo a horizontal stereo by pulling all the pins and cables out of the back. Imbeciles!

  15. Congrats on the closing, and sending good calming thoughts for move-survival...

    Verification word is rephlsh, which seems apt.
