Sunday, April 18, 2010

What a weekend.

Spent Saturday and Sunday house-hunting. We went through the information on thirty houses, drove by about twenty of them, and did a tour of one. Ten hours - ish - in the car, both afternoons. At this stage, all houses are starting to look alike and I think my eyes are wheeling in my head like an iguana's, with eyes in opposite directions.


The Goober has been in rare form. Today during the house tour, she ate some cat food. Then she came home and managed to spill her father's soda, flinging it over half the living room - the expensive half.


There was a storm Friday night. A power surge from lightning strikes fried our brand fucking new Wii.


My hands hurt too badly to knit, and I've got a Baby Surprise Jacket 'due' on May 5.

So that's my weekend. Hope everyone else's was better.


  1. um, no not really better than yours, but over, and that's the main thing about shitty weekends. They eventually end.

    Hope the cat food didn't have any detrimental effects!

  2. Good bye Terrible Awful No-Good Very Bad Weekend.

    I can't help but wonder - did the Goober like the way the cat food tasted?

  3. Best thing you can say about a weekend like that is "we lived through it and it's over". House hunting is stressful even without a kid along.

  4. Not the Wii!!! I drove a friend to Pittsburgh this weekend and missed the exit off of 99 to 220, and ended up taking 30 all the way. Quite scenic, only an hour longer -_-;; Her mom didn't get power back until 5 pm saturday, and there were houses at the end of the street where I stayed that still had a post down when I left at noon on sunday.

    Don't worry about the cat food making her sick. A friend of mine is an animal nutrition scientist and would always have to taste test any concoction she came up with, so they -should- be completely edible by humans...

  5. Brand new Wii may still be under warranty. Plus fixing will cost less than you think. (Ask me how I know, I dare you.)

    My weekend wasn't so good either. Exhausted, behind, and leaving later for work than ideal.

  6. Social Security recipients make rather tasty casseroles with canned catfood as an affordable protein source. Or did she nosh some kibble? And did Sekhmet object?

    Do you have a real-estate agent? The can save you a lot of the sorting process if they do their job right.

  7. Sorry you had such a craptacular weekend. If your girl liked the cat food, maybe you can bring some along for the next long car/house hunting trip. Poor attempt at humour.

  8. No, sorry. Spent all day (a l l d a y ) watching 12 students take a professional certification test. The company expressly prohibits proctors knitting. So. Interesting time trying to stay awake and make sure the candidates have everything they need and are not cheating on about 4 hours sleep, because we had to attend a meeting the night before telling us how to proctor and the site is an hour away from home. Maybe Mercury is in retrograde again?

  9. Argh, lightning strikes! They used to make our old black dial telephone ding during thunderstorms.

    I just looked and found the arc mark on the one computer desk where lightning caused an arc between one of the CPUs and the metal desk side next to it.


  10. re: the wii -- we thought that happened here, but it turns out that sometimes a miracle happens if you unplug everything off the back of it for at least 1/2 hour (it's the length of time that's important). plug it back in and cross your fingers.

    hope that works for you!

  11. Yeah, crappy weekends do end.

    Don't be in a hurry on the house! I know the confusion you are feeling, but this is why you take notes & photos to remind you. (Sitting on audition committees taught me this in a hurry...we couldn't do photos, of course, but boy, those notes. I needed them badly after the first 3 or so.)

    Get a surge protector. And I hope the Wii is fixable!

  12. Needletart, Mercury is in retrograde again, until May something. Oh man, I forgot the date, maybe the 18th? I laid low this weekend to divert any badness.

    Samurai, cat food won't hurt the Goob, we ate dog food and look how goodly we turnt out! Sucks about the Wii though.

  13. My older sister used to eat Milk Bones when we were kids, and she turned out just fine! No worries on the cat food front.

    I am sorry about the Wii, though - I hope none of the other electronics got fried? I suppose it was on a surge suppressor and even that didn't save it? Stuff like that makes me think that I don't feel so bad about not having one yet - at least I didn't spend all that money only to have it melted by a freak act of nature! (sorry, that's my silver lining for the day!)

  14. Ulg. Ulg. Ulg. Okay-- when even the gods conspire against you? It's time to just go back to bed and call it a draw...

  15. Wow. This year has not been your year for electronics, has it? I would definitely check the warranty on the wii.
