Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oh, crap.

This - hopefully short - blog hiatus brought to you by Blackberry. I spilled a cup of tea on my new netbook. Imagine me alternately crying and tearing at my hair, and you get the idea. Husbeast being nice, he's less upset than I am.



  1. Oh no!

    A couple months ago, my friend spilled a Manhattan cocktail on my netbook, but the only part that was damaged was the screen. We bought a replacement screen on eBay, it was shipped from China extra-fast, and it was a breeze to install. I hope it works out as well for you!

  2. Oh damn. Is it still under warranty? Hope things work out and your computer is okay or gets repaired without hassle.

  3. Try using a hair dryer on "no heat" air only.

  4. Uh Oh.

    Condolences. I do hope you can resurrect the computer...

  5. That bites; I'm sorry. I've heard some electronics can be salvaged by submerging them in dry rice for a few days (though I guess with a netbook and its keyboard you'd want to encase the netbook in muslin or something before submersion.

  6. commiseration - 18 months ago I spilt a glass of vanilla diet coke on the keyboard of my macbook. it didn't survive and insurance or warranty didn't cover it :(

  7. So sorry, about your netbook since I'm in love with mine. Thanks for the inspiration. Could it be dried out or resuscitated in any way? I hope it goes well. Around here it was precocious preschooler prying keys off when things didn't go right.
    Good Luck

  8. Oh crap indeed. As you well know I have recently experienced just such an incident. You have my sympathies, my husband on the other hand just said that you should not be allowed to have a computer if you are drinking tea near it, he thinks you should have learnt from my lesson...Personally I don't agree but I have changed my ways and the tea is no longer near the laptop when I am using it because I don't think he'll replace this one for me any time soon. The tea is now kept on the bookcase behind or beside me whenever I am working on the laptop, never on the table or in my hand....compromises. How does your insurance feel about death by tea as a claimable option???

    Oh and WV = deadom

  9. *good thoughts good thoughts good thoughts* May it be repairable!

  10. If the hot tea doesn't have sugar in it, you might be able to save it. We just put the computer upside down and left it to dry for a few days (my husband drinks unsweetened iced tea all day and spills a lot of it). It dried and was fine. I read somewhere the secret is to leave it alone until it's dry. Good luck.

  11. I don't know if it's the same for computers as for small electronics. My husband dropped my cell phone into his coffee once (milk and sugar-free hazelnut syrup - yuck!), and he didn't notice for a while (no, I don't know how THAT happened!). I opened it up, rinsed it well, and left it to dry for several days, and it worked fine after that. Amazing, no?

    I hope the netbook survives it's baptism! Good luck!

  12. Oh, no! Hope it turns out OK (I spilled water on my PowerBook some time back and immediately turned it upside down and removed the battery, which may have been what saved it). Tea's a different story, though. Good luck!

  13. Shit! :( I hope you had it under warranty! Here's to hoping your technology disaster is short-lived.

  14. Well... it's dead Jim. Warranty doesn't cover actions of grace. She'll be back around the middle of next week or so.
