Friday, November 27, 2009

Oh. My. God.

That is not frost. That is SNOW. You can't really see it well in the air, with the camera setting I used, but it's there. SNOW.



  1. SNOW! And here it's not even close to cold enough. I should be happy that the house is warm because it's not that cold out but I'd dearly love some snow.

  2. Drive carefully and enjoy that freezy skid stuff!

  3. Beat you. We had our first snow last month. Twice. Yippee. I think I will be glad this winter that I am newly retired and won't have to negotiate this stuff at 0 dark thirty in the morning. I can look out the window and appreciate it the way I did when I was a little kid.

  4. Of course! It's almost December! Welcome back to the land where we actually get winter! Does Goob like snow? Or is it not enough yet for her to notice how much fun it is?

  5. Wow! It's probably cold enough to snow here, but I doubt we'll get any (we don't get snow very often here. Hail, yes. Snow, no) Enjoy it!

  6. You're a bit south of me...snow??? Ah, the Great're in the snow belt??? It's coolish here (just north of West Point), but far from snow.

    The Goob will have fun, fun, fun.

  7. So what does the Goob think about the cold white stuff?
