Sunday, November 15, 2009

Classic Pittsburgh.

I came home from the library today, and standing in the parking lot, I could hear screaming coming out of the upper floor of our apartment building. I stopped, listening, to try and figure out if it was kids screwing around, or really noisy sex, or a domestic disturbance. My first reaction was 'domestic disturbance', and I'm not normally paranoid - that's really what it sounded like. Turned out it wasn't any of those things.

They were watching the Steelers game.

Giant sports bar. The entire city. Not joking. (They lost to the Bengals. I assume that's what the screaming was about.)

The husbeast informs me that at work today (he's discovering the joy of overtime - not something he got in the Navy) every single radio in the plant had the game on. And as he put it, "it's a big plant!"


  1. Welcome to Pittsburgh. Here's your Terrible Towel ;)

  2. Ah yes...I remember that. And pretty much every city around the country has a "Stillers" bar where the native Pittsburgers go to watch the games. Funny.

  3. when i was pregnant 27 years ago, one of my ob/gyns had done his residency in pittsburgh. he told my football fan huz that NO BABIES were born during steelers games, but that there were scads born right after.

  4. I live in Green Bay, WI home of the Packers. The stadium is just over a mile from my house so I can hear the crowds and the military planes make their approach for the ceremonial flyovers right over my house. There's always screaming around here, good or bad, you learn to live with it. (The only part of the football games I like it the flyovers. Sue me, I'm no sports fan. It's a wonder I haven't been run out of town on a rail.)

  5. and I was at the Ballet downtown (right across from Heinz field). Before we went in to find our seats a couple of the fellows looked for a bar to check the score. Luckily someone had internet access on his i-phone and filled us in.

  6. Football fans make me laugh. They're so intense! I can't make myself care much if some large over paid men win a game but I wouldn't dare say that outloud.

  7. The joy of overtime... getting paid for it. :-D

  8. My husband is a huge English Premiere League Football (soccer) fan. Specifically, an Arsenal fan. We can not be in the house when his team plays because his yelling is so loud it is scary. My dog got so upset the last time that he peed on the floor! Men and sports....totally nuts!

  9. Wait'll you start screaming yourself: then you'll know you've gone native. :)

    I usually only scream for the hockey, though: my brothers got all the Steelers fanaticism in the family.

  10. *sigh* I COMPLETELY understand. I live in Columbus, home of THE Ohio State Buckeyes. I believe I'm one of about 6 or 7 people who truly just DO NOT CARE about the football game.

    I know when the games are so I can avoid the stadium (100,000+ screaming fans) and know when to get my saturday grocery shopping done.

    Baseball, however, is another matter....

  11. Similar to Canadians with their hockey and Italians with their soccer... So long as it isn't violent I like the enthusiasm :)

  12. LOL-- Yeah-- I have a friend who moved out there from California... her first year there the Steelers lost the Superbowl (or a big playoff game) and my friend was like, "The city looked like we'd had a riot! People were jumping out of buildings for DAYS. It was INSANE!" (It was my husband who pointed out that they might have been jumping out of the buildings because they'd bet the farm on the team, but still...)

  13. I'm married to a Steelers fan and we live North of the border. Some of hte screaming you heard might have been echos from my house. Hubster refused to listen to the news, read a sports page or answer the phone for 3 days after the loss.
