Friday, October 09, 2009

I win.

An all expenses not paid trip to PA tomorrow to find an apartment we'll also have to pay for.

How did I win? I was the first adult in the house to catch the Goober's cold. Yay me.

But I blogged today.


  1. There is some nasty cold/flu like thing going around. Everyone seems to be full of snot and sneezing. I hope the trip is tolerable and you find a place you can live with for now.

  2. I have a fallback list so when I don't have anything else come to mind I check out my list! Helps when colds and other illness turns my mind to mush!!

  3. Love your blog, even at times like thuis. Feel better.

  4. And now you can go give it to everybody in PA! Yay! (Because that is far away from me. And I don't need to rained on AND sick.)

  5. And we win because even when you're sick, you're thinking about us too. Good luck on the house hunting. If you enjoy taking or teaching classes there's a Knitter's Day Out every fall. It's currently held at Central PA College in Summerdale, PA. Here's info from the 2009 event held just last month:

    whingsom - sounds like a concatenation of whinge some, doesn't it? Perfect for a nasty cold/flu, etc.

    I hope you and the Goob feel better very soon.

  6. Uhm... yay? But you were right--you WERE tempting fate, huh?

  7. See what happens when you swat your goober?
