Yes, I've been doing things other than throw birthday parties and catch germs. (Hot and cold running snot, here; I get stressed, I get sick. Very exciting.)
I've been spinning:
This has been a hoot. A week ago Monday, my mother-in-law, her best friend, and I all went on a yarn crawl in the nearest large town. They both bought... yarn. I found a 'teach yourself art felting' kit that contained merino pencil roving and snapped it up for spinning purposes. It was three rolls of roving, 50g each. This is the first one. I got about 109 yards out of it. It is called "Zitron" and is from some German company or other. I assume it means Citron or Citrus.
I have A Plan cooking for a way to cobble together a lot of these little spinning projects into something useful. If I do it. It's going to take some planning and time. We'll see.
I've also been knitting:
These are my initials on the hem of my father-in-law's Christmas sweater. The pink on either side is from flowers also knit into the hem. (My father-in-law told me rather sarcastically last February that he wanted pink flowers and silver ribbon on his new sweater. I knit to please.) This is going slowly because it's on size threes. I keep telling myself this is easy compared to the size ones, a few years back.
Then of course there is my other project:
It's taking some time, but it's coming along.
There've been some questions about Sekhmet. She's doing fine, and made the move with minimal fuss (by the Sekhmet definition of fuss; no one bled). She sleeps all night curled up under the covers with me, so she's reasonably content. (As content as a cat gets, I'd say.) There have been a few challenges between Chico, my mother-in-law's cat, and Sekhmet. I feel kind of sorry for Chico. He's trying to be an alpha cat, and assert his authority, and, well, Sekhmet doesn't give a shit. Makes it kind of hard for Chico to be in charge. I'll try to get photos.
Tomorrow is my driving test. Won't that be fun. Maybe I should glue my birth certificate to my forehead.
Ah man, she's looking less like a baby and more like a little girl every time you post a pic. I just got a pic from my oldest's preschool, they found it in the cupboards when they were cleaning, man has she grown in a year. It's going by way too fast.
ReplyDeleteHello, Zitrone is german for lemon, you gessed right, but Zitron is the name of the company, it is the owners surname. Their yarn is good quality, I hope the rowing is, too.
ReplyDeleteThe yarn looks lovely.
I always call the child my big project. Knitting and tatting etc. are all little projects!
ReplyDeleteThe Goob is looking a lot like you in that photo. It's always fascinating to watch how life changes faces.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see the fil's face when he sees the pink flowers. Where's the silver ribbon going?
Oh, the baby face is gone....and the beautiful real face begins to emerge. My granddaughter who just turned 4 is starting pre-school; any plans for the Goob in that direction?
ReplyDeleteLove the pink flowers! Good on you!
ReplyDeleteHope you heal fast.
Just for a second there, I thought you had posted the picture of a teenager who had wandered into the house. Then I realized that it was the Goober. *shakes in fear for the boys in her future*
ReplyDeleteShe's such a big girl! But go on the fiber--and on the sweater--and you know, the FIL had BETTER wear it!
ReplyDeleteMy brothers have gotten so many odd knitted gifts because of jokes and sarcastic remarks . . . I'm gonna sit here and hope one of them jokes about flowers soon. :)