Thursday, July 30, 2009

Situation Normal; All Fucked Up.

We have arrived in Ohio safely.

The drugged packing... well, I don't know if it went well, but it went, and we got everything loaded up. The drive to Ohio was yesterday and took sixteen hours; we arrived at one AM. Horrible weather, horrible drivers (I called 911 and reported someone to the Highway Patrol from my cell phone; first time in my life I ever did that).

Today, in some crazed fugue state, the husbeast, my father-in-law, and I unloaded the U-Haul. That also went. Not sure if it went well, but nothing's obviously broken, the spinning wheel is working, and I know where my underwear is. I'll call it good enough.

The Goober is sick, I imagine from getting super run down during this move (no naps, late bed times, iffy eating schedules, you name it). So she's full of baby Motrin and asleep in her bed (we brought it with us) clutching Scabbers the stuffed rat.

I think all is well. Pretty sure.


  1. You're there! You made it! And the Goober is safely asleep. Oh, wow.

  2. I will send you not only the ubiquitous web hugs {{{{ }}}} but a few rum and cokes, too (for which I can't think of a cutsey symbol). Much luv and relaxation.

  3. So glad everything went and that you're in Ohio! Also, though I didn't think it possible, the Goober's cool quotient just increased exponentially courtesy of Scabbers. :P

  4. Glad you made it, hope everything is where you think it is, and hope the Goober gets better soon.

  5. i noticed your absence around the internet these last few days and imagined all kinds of hell during the move. Sounds like it was ok but mercifully over for now.
    Hope the goob gets well soon.

  6. good luck to the husbeast on his job search and I hope the transition from military life isn't painfull.

    Glad the trip went well.


  7. Welcome to civilian-ville! I hope the job hunt and then the home hunt is successful and smooth. It's good to hear you all made it safe and sound. As long as you have clean underwear, everything else will fall into place.

  8. You can find your underwear? Heck, I've had dates that didn't go that well! Kudos to you!!

    Hang on to that rat. If the Goober ever needs to go in for surgery, it's wonderfully comforting to have a cuddly old friend to go with you. And a rat is SO much cooler than a bear!

    Good luck to the husbeast, health to one and all, and much sleep all around.

  9. Good to know you made it safely. Hope your girl gets well soon.

  10. Whew. I'm so glad you're all safe with the Husbeast's folks. They look so nice, I wish they were mine. Hugs to you and smooch the Goob for me when she wakes up. Poor baby to be sick now but at least she's got her bed and her rat.

  11. Glad to know you arrived safely. Now your new life can begin!

  12. Just - good stuff to all of you...


  13. CONGRATULATIONS, I was watching CNN and expecting the worst...

  14. Glad to hear you made it to the state next door. Wishing the Goob lots of rest and healing.

  15. welcome home, neighbor -- i'm just a state away in hoosierland and hope someday to encounter you at a fiber event.

    sending good job-and-home karma your way.

  16. Hope she gets better... and yay. You made it. Huzzah!
