Sunday, July 12, 2009

I really like knitting.

Yes! Finally! A blog post about knitting! Please do try not to swoon.

So, back in the ancient past when I was in high school, my friends and I had this phrase, copped from Homer Simpson ("I really like beer"). We occasionally applied it to beer, yes, but it was just as often applied to the other really obvious pleasures in life, "I really like cookies" "I really like broken in Levis". You get the idea.

Today, I really like knitting.

This is "Cameo" from Wendy Bernard.

Well, the start of it. I'm tweaking it a bit - we all know how that goes - but the knitting itself is chugging along smoothly. I've got to hand it to Wendy. She can write the hell out of a pattern. I've tweaked and mooshed and short-rowed this pattern, but she wrote it so clearly that it's STILL coming together beautifully. And because it's top down, I tried it on today to figure out where that all-important length is: the underside of my boobs, where I am starting the ribbing in the hopes the fabric will suck in and show off what waist I've got. No way I'd be able to do that knitting bottom up. I'd stress and measure twenty times and count and re-count and still get it wrong. This way? I know I got it. No stress. Just happy, lovely, endless knitting.

I started the ribbing today, dug in with a bunch of episodes of Eureka, and got this much done.

I'm in total denial about this move. Every morning I get up and think "I need to start sorting things, and making lists..." and then I spend the day knitting or spinning. The move will be hell, but it's great for my productivity.


  1. I really like knitting too. Finished knitting a vest for me yesterday, just have to sew the shoulders together and it is done. So happy Eureka is being aired again, need my Carter fix!

  2. your fingernail polish looks great with the sweater.

    i love a clearly written top-down sweater pattern. i just don't understand why people even write patterns bottom-up most of the time.

  3. Oh, that's SOO pretty-- and I know what you mean... I hit a nice place in Mate's vest, and I can work on it all day!

  4. Very pretty - and I love how you worked the nail polish in :-)

  5. I'm in the midst of cleaning out for our move now. 25 years of JUNK! It's s-l-o-w going! It's fun to get a project that just works.

  6. I'm at a good place, too. One sleeve done and one started and then a mile and a half of ribbing and voila! Wendy's patterns are really fool proof.

  7. So great to get a series and settle in for serious production! I'm starting to hanker after our Babylon Five collection. Maybe a cable sweater . . .

  8. Add me to the fans of the nail polish. :)

    Isn't is amazing how many other things you can find to do when you're supposed to be doing something you don't really want to do?
