Thursday, March 12, 2009


My mother-in-law called today, to let me know there was a change of plan and they would be STAYING OVER SATURDAY NIGHT. Not just swinging through for a visit. THIS MEANS I HAVE TO FIND THE FLOOR OF THE OFFICE. [Heavy breathing here.] I knew this was a possibility, but I HAVE TO FIND THE FLOOR OF THE OFFICE.

And another thing.

I remember why I dislike knitted-on sleeves. (The ones where you pick up and knit down to the wrist.) But I'm finishing something!


  1. Me, I just need to find the floor of the living room!

    It was there a couple of days ago, then I got home from work just now & it was gone, gone I tell you.

  2. I don't think I've seen the floor in my son's room since Christmas!

  3. It's easy to find the floor. Just turn the house on its side and give it a good shake.

    Even when I DO find the floor, though, I have to corral the dust bunnies, geld and brand the calves, and turn them all out into the feedlot in the backyard. It's so much easier to just rent a motel room for visitors.

  4. I'm with Roxie on the motel.

    Good luck finding the floor. I'm sure it is there somewhere.

  5. And has anyone seen my kitchen table?

    I feel for you... but the way you knit, this sweater will be done before you can say "Why did I wait so long?"
