Friday, February 13, 2009

Sekhmet, you fucker.

Please note the hand-knit cat bed right behind her.


  1. Oh, thank you for that. I had to dig a grave today while bawling for one of my cats who died unexpectedly this morning. I'm kinda stunned right now from all the crying; Sekhmet's picture gave me the first (and only) laugh of my day.

  2. Damned cat. (Maybe she's blessing it with kitty fur? Don't think so...)

  3. Are you really surprised? Really? We all know what to expect from Sekhmet by now, don't we? She knows her job, which is to make sure blocking items don't slip their pins and escape. Cats are very helpful creatures.

  4. She is pressing a puckered spot. You may not have noticed it, not having a cat's sensitive perceptions, but she lay down on that nasty wet wool to HELP you and this is the thanks she gets?
